Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...
...and all the other genders Libs concoct are from Uranus.
share...and all the other genders Libs concoct are from Uranus.
shareThings a little slow at the retirement home today, eh? Must be in-between pudding breaks.
shareWhy do you assume that people with simple common sense are old? Probably because you think all younger people are stupid enough to blindly lap up the drivel of their Lib professors that currently passes for "knowledge" and "education" when all it really is is LIEberal brain-polluting propaganda.
shareliberals are so fúcking insane they don't even know the difference between men and women, fúcking 2 year old kid biology.
shareWhy is it that when archaeologists find human remains they're either male or female... and none of the other (supposed) 700 genders?
sharebecause science and archaeologists are racists and neo-nazis and transphobes.
shareNot to mention bigots, misogynists, xenophobes, Islamophobes and homophobes!
shareI've found the best way not be labelled a bigot, misogynist, xenophobe, Islamaphobe and homophobe is to not post bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, Islamophobic or homophobic comments, or at least allude to them all without having the balls to admit your own prejudices.
It's a daring strategy I know, but you should try it.
Social construct, bro, created by human culture.
shareI love all the confusion they're creating for themselves. Everyone can choose their gender but now, men who identify as women, are competing against and kicking women's asses in sports and women are up in arms about it. Y'all can't have it both ways.
shareA friend of mine once said there are are two genders, and about 50 kinds of fruitcake. That pretty much describes the gender madness going on.
shareWhat's the madness? That some people don't identify with their birth assigned sex? It's not a difficult concept to grasp, nor is it a new phenomena. And when you really think about it, how does it affect anyone else in any way, other than perhaps making them uncomfortable about something that they don't understand?
It's amazing how parochial people get about this issue. It would even be amusing if it weren't for the people who are suffering discrimination because people are too myopic to see anything other than male and female.
I'm no social justice warrior about it, I just prefer to live and let live, without judgement. It really isn't that hard.
Gender Disphoria is a mental disorder, and should be treated as such. Humoring the patient with living an even bigger lie than the one they think they're living does nothing to help them with their mental condition. It's like putting a pretty ribbon on a bleeding, chronic wound that continues to fester.
They shouldn't have to force the insanity of a tiny group of people that makes up 1% of the population on the other 99%. Not only does it make things worse, having surgery and playing dress-up rarely hides the fact that the person used to be another gender. You can easily see it in their facial and body bone structure. Even science proves that there are only two genders. To say that gender can be defined by feelings is as illogical as claiming the earth is flat, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
If they don't like how they are treated, they can always go found their own country and make up their own rules, rather than trying to change the system to suit them and screw everyone else. And stay away from our kids! Last thing we need are kids that grow up confused and suicidal from what these people are tricking them into hearing.
It's a generally accepted scientific fact that being transgender is not in itself a mental disorder. Gender Dysphoria is a mental condition brought on by a transgender person feeling anxiety and stress over their gender identity, ergo if you remove trans stigma and discrimination in society and improve education, you cure the dysphoria because people can be themselves without suffering that anxiety of society telling them they are abnormal and sick.
I get it, you don't like people who are different, you find them threatening and think they are trying to "screw everyone" by asking for the right to be accepted as they are. Nothing I say will change that.
But to your point about suicide and kids, lgbtq kids are far more likely to take their own lives because of bullying. I don't hear you crying about that. I suppose to acknowledge it would be to accept responsibility for getting onto the internet and propagating these shitty antiquated intolerant attitudes yourself.
Of course not. It's usually body mutilation and faking being something you're not. The true mental disorder is believing that you are something you can never be, and getting angry when the rest of the world refuses to believe along with you. The only reason homosexuality is not considered a mental disorder, is because the American Psychological Society was bullied by homosexual protestors mercilessly in the 1970s, and they yielded like the cowards they were. There was no scientific basis to their change of writings, it was purely political.
I don't like spending most of my life learning and knowing the truth about human biology, and to then have a tiny, loud, hideously disgusting, bratty group of troglodytes that finally have come to power, come in and tell me I'm wrong because my views and beliefs don't align with theirs. I'm sorry you don't like that, but it's the truth, and sweeping it under a rainbow rug isn't gonna change that.
And for the record, the Velvet Mafia isn't as united behind the scenes as they pretend. The gays are now getting jealous of the attention the trans people are getting, seeing as they aren't seen as rare and forbidden as they used to compared to the T part of their group. I've already been hearing about infighting among them. Just imagine how tragic it would be for the rainbow community to break up due to jealousy and infighting. It would be far uglier than any Pride parade, now wouldn't it?
Tell me, are you and others like you actually trying to make society more equal, or are you really shooting for power to get preferential treatment as a protected class? People on the far-left LOVE to choose "pet groups" to pretend to care about. If it weren't for the power you wield, they'd loathe and despise you as they used to before the 2010s. They used to love Jews too, until they suddenly decided Muslims made better "cause pets" for their current agenda.
Imagine, if you will, a group of people so disgusting, they have to make laws making it illegal to dislike them. Something's wrong if you have to stoop to subversion, indoctrinating innocent children, subtle propaganda, and decades-long infiltration in order to change things to make it better for yourselves at the expense of everyone else. Enjoy this spat of power while you can. Most groups that rise to power eventually fall, and I guarantee that it won't last forever. I, and others like me, will cheer when you finally lose it too.
One last thing. The LGBT community isn't as newfangled as you would like to pretend. Such practices were done as far back as ancient Rome and other societies even before then. You saw how long they lasted. How exactly is the group's mantra new and exciting, when it is as old as the Romans, who were corrupted and drunk on power and debauchery as any Pride parade?
I'll lead you to think on these things, if your tiny, angry, jealous mind will allow, before I block you.
"And for the record, the Velvet Mafia isn't as united behind the scenes as they pretend. The gays are now getting jealous of the attention the trans people are getting, seeing as they aren't seen as rare and forbidden as they used to compared to the T part of their group. I've already been hearing about infighting among them. Just imagine how tragic it would be for the rainbow community to break up due to jealousy and infighting. It would be far uglier than any Pride parade, now wouldn't it? "
Oh wow, you're an expert on all things gay it would seem. Fabulous! It's also fucking moronic and factually incorrect and if you had any understanding about anything outside of your hetero-normative cocoon, you would know how bloody stupid you sound right now.
You assume I'm far-left. That's not how I see myself. I just try to treat people equally and not be a bitter old douchebag, like some. But like I said, you are well stuck in your ways and will continue to go down screaming as conservative dinosaurs continue to die out and society loosens it's collective sphincter about living with diversity, regardless of what I say. Enjoy the ride darl.
What’s a gender?
shareOh I see. You made an anus joke.
That's really clever. You're really clever. For a five year old.
Simply put, Libs are pulling these scores of new "genders" out of their arse.
It's an amusing way of pointing out the truth. I guess you didn't get it.
Amusing, my friend, is a matter of opinion.
I got it, yet I still found it extremely immature and lame. The truth here seems to be that you don't accept gender diversity, so the most effective way you could make that point was by making a bum joke. Who said the art of intelligent debate is dead?