MovieChat Forums > jimmyjuliano > Replies
jimmyjuliano's Replies
"gender equality" is a meaningless phrase, it's a fake problem that nobody could ever calculate, and therefore even if it did exist, which it doesn't how could you fix it? cultural marxism is about creating enough anger and poverty so people revolt and theres a revolution, it's about changing the power structure of our society, giving power to dictators, rather than giving rights to women, gays, trans.....
it's the biggest scam since socialism
"an incel whos a conspiracist"
re-read that sentence a few times, lets see if it sinks in
these are muslim countries, muslims will never want something like that. they are backward people, but the libs try to convince us that islam is tolerant.
do you like men?
no, but i could show you which part of the body her big 8 inch cock is on.
i hear airfare to caracas is cheap. need help packing?
big mike
no, thank you! although you posted something without mentioning your president, i'm disappointed
conservatives don't see skin color, just the ability to do the job, it's very telling, i think you're some old white liberal, obssesed with race, but at the same time crosses the round when you see a black man.
i bet you live in vermont. where it's real easy to talk like you do, "but none of these coloured folk near me please" am i right!?
AOC isn't strong, she's a weak little girl, out of her depth that plays identity politics because she knows she lacks real ideas. just like you.
i don't need to, reread what you've wrote, it's all there, one big cliche "trump orange trump trump orange trump!"
a thread nothing to do with the president but "trump trump tump trump......"
hahahahahahaa you don't know how much it means to me that it affects you so much! you're a TYT meltdown everyday all day hahahahahaa
thank you
i've seen her speak a few times, she's pretty good
only white christians can be racist, didnt get the memo?! libs seem to hush up about "racism" when members of their own party hate jews. for a group who love the throw the R word around, they sure are racist themselves...
as for maher? he'll dedicate 20 minutes to "trump is stupid" and all will be well in the democrat world
thank you, at least someone can see the insanity in "everythings racist!"
i wanna protect gays from maniac muslims who want to decapitate them, you want to open the borders and let the in. we'd have an orlando every week with you nutjobs.
what was your little face like in 2016?
you're right, even a supermarket wouldn't hire you. so i suppose thats why you love the left so much, free stuff eh!?
how do you link me questioning her gender, with the belief that one race is superior to another? just curious?
or now is everything racist in AOCs democratic socialist america?
i have proof
you don't see any irony in that statement do you!? the new democrat party has no ideas, just "everythings racist"
does it make you feel better about working in a supermarket, calling the billionaire leader of the free world whos married to a model a "moron" ??
didn't hitchens say "it's what idiots do, they think they are smarter than the president"