Do you think gender equality will ever be achieved?
I think it will in the far future, after people have become more enlightened....
shareI think it will in the far future, after people have become more enlightened....
shareWhat do you mean by gender equality? Do you mean that everyone will have the same job opportunities? Do you mean that there will be equal numbers of males and females and zims and zirs playing nfl football and nba basketball? Do you recognize 58 ( or 63 ( or more genders?
Do you mean in Western Europe or are you focused on the Middle East?
It really makes a big difference what your definition is.
"gender equality" is a meaningless phrase, it's a fake problem that nobody could ever calculate, and therefore even if it did exist, which it doesn't how could you fix it? cultural marxism is about creating enough anger and poverty so people revolt and theres a revolution, it's about changing the power structure of our society, giving power to dictators, rather than giving rights to women, gays, trans.....
it's the biggest scam since socialism
What I mean is that the different genders will be treated the same by society.
shareWhich society? Norway and Sweden or Namibia and Sudan? What do you mean by treated the same? Do you mean equal access to opportunity or do you mean enforcing equal outcomes? It makes a big difference. Norway and Sweden have equal access to opportunity. Women can go to professional school or succeed in politics without restriction.
If you mean forced equal outcomes, then you are fighting against biological facts. The top 200 basketball players in the world will always be men, who by nature are, on average, taller and stronger. You will never have equal numbers of women playing in the nba. Likewise, there are many more women working in daycare and primary education. This is due to decisions that individuals freely make. Should they be restricted in their free choice, to achieve a balance that some outside authority says is desirable?
I think so yes, but not for many decades to come, maybe more.
shareThere’s a belief out there that eons into the future humans will evolve into non-gender beings.
I think starfish are like that and they’re like 450 million years old as a species so maybe that could happen to us as well in the next few million years.
Do you think human life on earth will last for a few million years?
shareNot necessarily on Earth but yes I think we’ve got a long way to go and that we probably started somewhere else.
shareInteresting. I have doubts that we will ever reach any other solar system. Interstellar distances are too long. I am curious why to you think we started somewhere else. There is some pretty strong scientific evidence that human life developed on earth. If humans came from elsewhere, they would have been much more technologically advanced when they got here.
shareAnti-gravity is what the scientists say the aliens use to get here.
Evolution has been proven but the timeline of human evolution is long and controversial with significant gaps.
I think we’re in a Petri dish being observed maybe. Or maybe some aliens were exiled from their planets and showed up here and helped get civilisations going.
I think in our lifetimes it will be revealed that aliens are among us and have been for a long time.
There is a ton of documented history that suggests aliens come and go all the time. There are also tons of formerly classified government documents that do the same. Plus, there are tons of deathbed confessions of military personnel and civilians who worked in government labs and for places like Lockheed Martin who reveal things when they no longer have to worry about staying silent. Many of them match the others. Too coincidental.
I’ve been to Camp Hero and I saw some crazy shit.
It’s a fun conspiracy theory that gets me thinking but I don’t know!
There is a ton of documented history that suggests aliens come and go all the time.
It won't last anywhere in a few million years. We'll never colonize the stars. I hope to god we never do. We haven't earned our keep here on Earth, so why should we be given the opportunity to fck up Mars or wherever? No--we're going to go extinct right here on Earth and probably long before the Sun ever enters its red giant phase...and good riddance.
shareGood riddance.........a bit of a misanthrope, I see. 😕
I agree that it is highly unlikely we reach any other solar system.
Religion in half the world says man is king. The other half if they want to do business with them have to send a male over there.
shareDepends on your definition of "gender equality". These days, everyone has their own idea of what that is.
A man who assaults his wife gets more jail time than a wife who assaults her husband. That's not gender equality, yet we live in a society geared toward automatically taking the woman's side because she's...a woman. No equality there.
Then you have the feminists who treat men as if they were all evil and always stick up for a woman in every domestic situation, never even CONSIDERING the POSSIBILITY that maybe the woman was guilty--it's always "the guy". Just look at the whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard fiasco and that will tell you all you need to know about the idea of "gender equality" here in America.
I see feminists talking about "equality" all the time but the only things they seem to ever care about or push for are:
-Equal job opportunities for women (don't we have that already?)
-Equal pay for men and women (Both sexes get the shaft with pay at many jobs. That's not a sexist thing--that's a "who's the favorite brown noser of the office?" thing)
-Representation in movies, tv
If feminists really cared for gender equality they'd be fighting for the women who are REALLY suffering around the world--like places in Africa/Middle East where they're having their clitoris lobbed off so only the man can have pleasure in sex. Where's their crying over those TRULY persecuted women?
The only way we'll have gender equality here in America at least is if feminists dissolve away. My wife, for example, despises feminists and she's one of the strongest women I've ever personally known. She doesn't take sh!t from anyone and she said a lot of what I've written here herself. My wife comes from a culture/country where men are overbearing in relationships and women are not treated equal, so if she can come from that environment and still think feminists are full of sh!t, I'd say that says something.
TRUE gender equality would be BOTH genders being charged the SAME way for crimes. TRUE gender equality would be to stop looking at every damn thing in life through a "who's getting the most 'representation'" lens and just treat people equally without a regard for gender.
Will that ever happen? Hell, no. We're only going to get worse. Not an opinion--it's a fact. We're humans. Humans only ever fck things up for themselves. For all our technological and medical advancements, we're still a bunch of destructive morons who can't get over our own egos to fight the darker parts of our nature.
There are only 2 genders. The rest are mental disorders
shareJust like every leftwingnut "goal" it will be impossible to say because it's impossible to measure and besides that when is a political football ever "solved"?
No gender equality will never happen, racism will never disappear, the climate will never be perfect enough....