MovieChat Forums > Painekiller > Replies
Painekiller's Replies
Just remember the last great "progressive" movement came in the early 1900s to the 1930s - think Margaret Sanger and Eugenics!
Oh yes they were teaching racial superiority, sterilizing the mentally ill, and the evils of miscegenation.
Libs - proggies - fascists - interchangeable.
And FISA warrants were issued on the basis of a politically purchased foreign agent's fictional "dossier"...OMG!
Logan Act time.
Yeah let's click on unreadable shortened URLS randomly posted by a BLATANT TROLL without even a blurb about what they are.
[quote]Are you trying to say you can't comprehend this basic notion of internet safety?
You're a lame infantile ignorant little piece of work. And you're a flagrant racist, sexist misogynist pig, constant whiner, a bitchy spittle-flecking arrogant trolling ball of smoke and mirrors.
You're obviously another sock, of a sock, of a sock, of a sock.... of a sock......
Your echo chamber is PATHETIC AS FUCK, and it's TRANSPARENT AS FUCK, and it makes you look FUCKING MORONIC.[/quote]
I am getting the very clear sense that you are extremely upset over something, but my wager is that links from Giphy are not the proximate cause, right dearie?
I love the whole "racist" and "sexist" cat-calling shtick too.
Pray tell which races or sexes do you think I'm displeased with - given I've made no commentaries on such thus far?
This will require actual brain mettle, best stand in a bucket of water and apply the electrodes cautiously...
There now, feeling better that the longer links are in?
[quote]Apples to Apples?
So, Obama and Hillary are both currently President?
Would you like to amend your blatantly incorrect statement or would you prefer it stand and attest to your inability to articulate anything resembling a coherent thought?[/quote]
Obama had two terms, by many estimations so did Shrillary, given Bill's predilection for attending to business in the boudoir as opposed to state.
Yes, apples to apples.
We can easily grade Trump's 1st term against any or all of the Obamessiah's 8 year dereliction of duty and corruption of our Constitution.
Now the only thing left to parse is why you want to see our nation go down in open border flames?
Care to pipe up on that lunacy?
Everything they are doing and believing can be summarized in Orwell's 2 seminal books - "1984" and "Animal Farm".
Unfortunately we're well into the subsidiary payload of Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" - which is a toxic double shock to society.
6 more years of winning?
OMG - intolerable!
Department of Justice
Trump DOJ Sues California For Interference With Immigration Enforcement
DOJ Halts Obama's Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted Firearm Dealers
More than 1,000 arrests in sex trafficking operation
Four charged with leaks from Trump administration
Jeff Sessions announces new crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities
Justice Department announces takedown of AlphaBay, the largest dark web market
Sessions's New Civil-Forfeiture Rules
400 medical professionals charged in largest health care fraud takedown
The Department of Justice Stands by Texas's Voter ID Law
Charges: Sex traffickers took hundreds from Thailand to US
AG Sessions is bringing back the harsher sentences for drug dealers
Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores
DHS is planning on denying green cards to legal immigrants if they receive federal or state aid
Trump takes 'shackles' off ICE, which is slapping them on immigrants who thought they were safe
ICE raid hits 77 businesses in Northern California
End of Year Report: Deportations up 40% - Historically Low Crossings
DHS: Announces New Procedures for Refugee Admissions
Deportations Of Noncriminals Rise As ICE Casts Wider Net
Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)
Were you not saying you'd vote with her on the [b]issues[/b] at a 98% clip?
That's lunacy.
Otoh, despising her personality is your right and if you cogitate on it may that give you a clue as to what it is in the strident leftard agenda that gives you such dyspepsia, barring of course this is purely a physical distaste for her.
I do get that, but my thesis is you may well be twigging to the fact that these insane leftard policies like open borders and institutionalized pedophilia are born of anger, resentment and displaced animus at an America that used to work - before the Satanic scumbags broke it.
So it's really a matter of whether you're getting an inkling that the 98% of issues you'd vote with her on are simply the bilious social result of innate leftard anger and spite.
If so you have some mental unpacking to do before considering your next vote on anything.
[quote]What are you mentioning the left to me for?[/quote]
For the sheer unbridled joy of watching your mainspring unwind, duh...;-)
[quote]Who's Muler?[/quote]
Deep state plant.
[quote]Trolling? I actually contribute to political discussion on this site unlike you who is vomiting right wing propaganda and insults all over this site and taking dumps in every thread here. The only troll here is you, Thrillhouse. :)[/quote]
Who is this "Thrillhouse" you speak of and how many times has he/she PWND you here?
Not that it matters, I just know when I begin seeing wheel ruts that my path has been well traveled before...
[quote]And newsflash, Thrillhouse: supporting a man who said he trusts a Russian dictator more than our own intelligence agencies isn't very patriotic. In fact, it's the reverse.[/quote]
So you "trust" Muler, Brennan, Comey and Clapper?
Let me guess, there was some verse in your copy of "The Satanic Bible" that made it all come clear to you?
[quote]all those you mentioned there are sock accounts of yourself.
I am also one of your sock accounts.
Note to self, i.e you.... buy milk on the way home[/quote]
We need some white bread and Twinkies too...
Her creeping sense of dread perhaps foreshadows the very policies she's endorsed that have this nation in dire straits...not to state the overwhelmingly obvious...
Of course there's precious little downside as the mockery can now proceed apace sans any plaintive squeals of unfairness or foul play - so there's a good thing!
[quote]If the economy was as bad as you say, Obama wouldn't have tried to take credit for it. He said it would collapse under Trump. Then when it didn't, he credited himself for it. That should tell you something.[/quote]
Nicely analyzed.
Remember, revealing truth is now concealing the truth, fascism is the new free speech, and open borders make a better nation.
[quote]One thing that truly relieves me is that literally every single Trump supporter online sounds like a fcking[sic] idiot with poor grammar/punctuation. Every single one. Thank GOD. The supporters truly fit the man: imbeciles.[/quote]
Whilst you and your body-shaming partisan cohort hacks represent some nadir of civility, if not an utter dearth of intellect?
It is to laugh - at YOU!
[quote]Donald the fat
Donald the cheeto
Donald the overweight
Donald the moron
Donald the corrupt
Donald the greedy
Donald the joke
Those are some great alternatives.[/quote]
To what - IKYABWAI?
No, that's stirring brilliance, as shit slinging goes...;-(
Oh dear oh dear, the butt hurt is strong in this one, LOL!
Or even a big guy trying to make a little impact - Howard Schultz...
Nathan Brittas on "The Brittas Empire"!
The scrumptious Anne Francis in "Forbidden Planet":
[quote]People need to live within their means, and if that means not being able to pay for surgery on an animal, well that's how it goes.
How do you feel about pets and vet bills?[/quote]
I feel like good pet insurance with a reasonable deductible is the way to go, you?
The paranoia meter is beginning to peg on this one...
[quote]Trust me--us thinking you're a sock account is a compliment to you and you should take it. Better to be the sock of the same idiot than to be branded yet ANOTHER in a LONG list of idiots who support Trump.
You guys all have the exact same writing style and choice phrases. In fact--I've never witness ONE SINGLE TRUMPER online who didn't act like a troll...and that's simply poetic.[/quote]
Given the left is known for some rather simply patterned rhetoric in lieu of factual debate, let alone discussion, your strident little indictment is about as weighty as anything Muler has coughed up on his way to the retirement center...
As for "trolling" - pot/kettle in any political forum, foolish hypocrite.
Now act out for us, spit, fume and complain - it warms the cockles of my patriotic capitalist heart no end!