There was no original ASSERTION, you're just framing it that way.
***There was probable cause for wondering if there was direct Russian influence in the Trump campaign.***
Are you being deliberately obtuse?
Trump operatives lied to investigators in person & on legal forms. Multiple times. People are currently IN JAIL for doing this. Trump operatives denied contact with foreign operatives when it was proved that Trump operatives had multiple, ongoing meetings & financial ties with agents of foreign governments. People are waiting sentencing on these charges. Some are in jail now.
If Mueller had found Trump to be not-guilty of ANY charges, HE WOULD HAVE SAID SO.
So what does MAGAt nation do? They attack WAR VETERAN, Mueller the Marine. They attack the FBI & the CIA & Intelligence gathering agencies in order to defend the PRIVILEGED DADDY'S BOY, the guy of 10,000 lies, Cadet Bone Spurs, the Pussy Grabbing, stable genius who can't spell the word TAP without error, the Combover Caligula, Donald J Trump.
THIS is the leader of the GOP?
Face yourself today, Wuchak. Those you choose to defend & attack define you. How pathetic you are!