MovieChat Forums > MovieBuff224 > Replies
MovieBuff224's Replies
I agree but what does that have to do with my OP?
Boogie Nights used the exact same formula only in the 70s/80s.
PT Anderson and Tarantino themselves have acknowledged Scorsese’s profound influence on them, Google it.
Bus and train, and yes it is a prearranged itinerary. However, guided tours within each city are optional I believe.
Just left Rome heading to Florence then Venice, Lucerne, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin.
Yeah good point, and that’s my plan
Yeah I’m planning on breaking off and doing my own thing next time there’s a tour I’m not particularly interested in.
His voice and lisp are super annoying
So what do you think a real mob boss is like?
Worst casting choice ever?
Yes I constantly create awkward moments when I decline handshakes or offer a fist bump instead
First of all, Scorsese doesn’t make bad movies. Second, it’s got a $200m dollar budget, 3 legendary actors and an incredible story.
Yeah that’s a good point, although I guess they could write a fictitious mafia story that involves real life or even made up characters? The beginning hour felt very mafia like, but the film’s final act felt like a drug movie. I guess they all got into drugs in the later years (80s-90s) and Scorsese likely deliberately chose this story to show the extreme dichotomy in the transition of old school mafiosos to the new age and decline of the mafia in America.
I suppose a better question would be how did Henry Hill not get whacked?
How is it boring?
She seems like a nice Jewish mother
Lol I just discovered his dad was the mob boss who went with Tuddy to murder Tommy
Scorsese is the man
Yeah it even has a few former Golden Age porn stars in the cast.
The most startling similarities to the source material (Holmes) are the fast edited sequences showing the highlights of his movies in the “documentary” sequence and the footage of his porn action films.