MovieChat Forums > MovieBuff224 > Replies
MovieBuff224's Replies
What are some of your fav scenes?
Yes he does, PT Anderson was obv majorly influenced with Boogie Nights.
For some reason the movie loses my interest somewhat in the gritty finatic end section of Henry’s decline which I think was intentional, it’s supposed to be unnerving.
It still is a very intense movie experience, I rewatched it last week
What does it matter? How can you watch a Scorsese movie and then watch a watered down inferior version dragged out over a decade?
Worse acting, worse writing, worse production values.
I enjoyed Iron Man, I also liked Man of Steel. But I still can’t get into the idea of a superhero, it’s just stupid and nerdy to me.
I can’t think of one I really like, there is too much of a suspension of disbelief
What do you love about them? They’re corny and completely unbelievable.
The Sopranos sucks lol
Boogie Nights is a masterpiece
Are you kidding?
I don’t think so. I don’t like Jason Clarke and the first one was just creepier.
Just saw, decent. Zelda wasn’t as good.
Better than first?
How so?
Who else has been talking about this family
Why is he shady?
Yeah I’d love to go to Thailand and Bali
New one
I thought it sucked lol