MovieChat Forums > Befus > Replies

Befus's Replies

Favorite real weapon? A well made pump action 12ga shotgun. It's the most practical and reliable firearm ever made. You can hunt with it, and you can fight with it if you have to. Its ability to use multiple types of loads means with the right rounds you can use it for anything from squirrels to bears. It's an excellent home defense weapon. And it's a great gun for just hobby shooting too. Some of the most fun you can have with a gun is shooting clay pigeons on an autumn afternoon with a buddy or family member. Favorite Fictional weapons? Excaliber. Because it's frickin Excaliber, and it's a sword with a great story/legend to go with it. And swords are cool. Narsil/Anduril. Also a cool sword with a cool story. Good riddance. He's a piece of shit. BLM is full of at best well meaning but utterly mislead and uninformed people. And at worst a mix of Marxists, anarcho-communists, antifa faggots, and straight up black supremacist thugs who march around chanting "kill the White man" and "White lives don't matter". Not to mention that bitch at the top who took the donations of those afore mentioned well meaning but mislead people, and spent them on a mansion. Didn't you hear? Those were "peaceful" riots. It was a summer of love don't you remember? The news man said so. Laramie Big Valley Bonanza Gunsmoke Rawhide Wagon Train The Virginian Cheyenne Wanted Dead Or Alive The Rebel Have Gun Will Travel These are all worth watching. Just take into account that most of these shows ran for a long time and so the quality rose and fell over their course. You'll sometimes get very generic stories or recycled plots and sometimes basically straight up slapstick. So don't give up on them if you come to some sub-par episodes, I promise you there are many episodes that are excellent and very much stand up even today. Yeah I just watched this as well, and the whole time I was thinking "is this going anywhere?". And the home invasion scene at the end was so absurd that I was just sat there chuckling in bewilderment and saying "what the bloody hell am I watching?" It's a movie that takes a freaking long time to say absolutely nothing at all. Last time I checked I was a grownup, and I found this pretentious and boring. Go ahead, keep living in your world of make believe. One day it will all come crashing down around you and reality will teach you it's hard lessons. What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you actually think you're being funny? You're not. The reason is that aluminum is easier and cheaper to work with by most prop departments. And I agree it sucks. As a lifetime enthusiast of all things arms and armor I wish movies set in a medieval period weren't always full of anachronisms. But they are. Brother you can argue all you want, but there's a reason movies have been using aluminum armor for as long as they've been making movies. There's more to consider than just the price of raw materials. Steel is harder to work and would require someone with actual blacksmith skills to produce. It would also take much longer to produce. Blacksmiths cost money and time, both of which are things movie makers are usually trying to save. With aluminum, I'd imagine a decent prop department could work something up much quicker and cheaper. Also aluminum is lighter and probably easier for the actors who might have to wear it for long periods of time. You would never get steel to be as bright and shiny as in this movie without a lot of working and finishes that cost money. I promise you it would be far more expensive to make a bunch of wearable suits of armor out of steel, that also look good enough to be convincing in a movie as opposed to aluminum. It's been ages since I saw this movie, but I do remember the armor being very shiny. And I think that's what they wanted to fit with the mythical fairytale setting of "Knights in shining armor". Refusing to live in your world of make believe makes me a bigot? Ok. Don't care. Ok I know this is an old post but yes, yes you could fit in there. I don't think you realize how big horses are. There are many stories from back then of people caught in cold weather and surviving by taking shelter inside of cattle, buffalo and horses. Yeah it seems like a lot of movies from the 70s-80s had very similar artwork on their posters. I guess haha. But why not just a pair of trunks? Seem like you'd get snagged on everything.