Do Han and Leia have sex?

They kiss on the Falcon and then right before Han is going to be put in carbonite, but do Han and Leia have sex off screen? Their relationship seems to be too deep to just be on kissing terms. Perhaps they did it in their hotel room on Cloud City.


Are you watching a TV edit of the film or something? They have sex on screen. Watch the real movie, not some edited thing.


No they don't. Stop lying.


Please forgive me. :(


He’s not lying. There’s literal onscreen penetration. Between frames sixteen and twenty-one at 1:19:43, you can see Han’s uncircumcised phallus slide into Leia’s circumcised genitals. This doesn’t happen in the Special Edition, so you’ll need to watch the original version.


I remember everyone in the theater gasping, and there was a mumbling voice from the back of the theater saying "yeah, do it, Harrison. Faster, more intense."


What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you actually think you're being funny? You're not.


You’ve clearly never seen the original version. Kind of makes me wonder how you’d react to the deleted scene in the original ROTJ where Chewbacca pays the Ewok elders twenty space bucks to anally fist him.


I'm not trying to be?


When Han brought the whip into their private quarters on the Falcon, I thought the director might have gone too far for a family film.


You joke, but there is an incestuous kiss near the beginning of the film.

Family, indeed.


I don't actually believe Lucas knew ahead of time that he was going to make Luke and Leia siblings.


I don't, either. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen or possibly read (can't recall which) an interview where they confirmed that the plan was to introduce a sister character in Return of the Jedi but they basically didn't have the time so they folded that plan in with Leia, which also kinda wrapped up the Luke/Leia/Han love triangle.

I just think it's funny that, in a thread filled with people joking about hardcore sex and inappropriate sexual acts being in a Star Wars film, there is actually a pretty shocking one in the movie - even if only retroactively.


Not during the course of the film.

Their heartbreaking farewell on Bespin is filled with regret and longing, precisely because they didn't.


I took the final kiss and farewell as a potential goodbye forever between lovers, not an indication that they'd abstained

The trip to Bespin took days at least, possibly weeks. They definitely smashed. They wouldn't still be in love to that extent if they hadn't sealed the bargain.


I disagree, but I know you're not going to change your mind because I disagree, and arguing further will be pointless.

I just think that the kiss on Bespin was so passionate, precisely because they had to fit all their longing, regret, and hormones into one brief kiss that couldn't be more.


But Leia was doing a lot of coke while filming this one. Trust me…she banged Han, George, Jon Voight, Charles Bronson, James Coburn, Orson Wells (fat version), and everyone else who helped to bring Star Wars to life, including President Nixon.


Of course Han and Leia have sex. How else did they have a kid? Ben wasn't conceived through force conception like his grandfather. Sheesh.


But during "TESB", or later?


They did. Chewie filmed it and put it on the Internet.


It would definitely be more interesting that the Holiday Special.


I'm sure Lumpy (was it?) would have yanked his wookie pud to that.


Why does it even matter? Weird thing to focus on..


It's like Schrodinger's Did They?

In realistic adult terms, yes, they most certainly did.

But, these movies, being geared PG, just give adults enough to fill in the blanks, so kids can believe it's all just at face value, like a fairy tale where the prince rescues princess sight-unseen and they immediately fall in love because destiny


When they sent Chewey out to “investigate” the cave they hung back and Han showed her the “hyper-drive”.

The deleted scenes have a conversation between Chewey and Han…
“I’m going to investigate her cargo hold” - Han
“Ahgahgahgahgah!” - Chewey


Yes, they did "the Kessel Run" in less than 12 parsecs. A bit disappointing for Leia, but Han was satisfied.


What if the Kessel Run was some point A to B contest in space, and you were free to decide to take the shorter more dangerous way, or the longer less perilous way, in a limited time, but only actual trajectory taken would be considered as how well you performed. Parsecs would make sense?
