MovieChat Forums > VanHellion

VanHellion (656)


What the actual fuck.... Senator Trent's mansion... I'm talking to the punk that looks like he had a few too many... This was a great watch! Thank ya, brothers... Dis Chili.... Now wait just a God Damned Minute... Interesting quote... Strange Face/Off connection... This film is a display of the Yamaha DX-7 and Scholz Rockman View all posts >


I humbly thank you, sir. I do, however, write music. But it's never as colorful as sexual references to squish mittens. Never gonna happen. Jay Roach is a fucking cunt of a liberal pansy that won't do something that would have such a negative ending. One could say that about 2008's "Recount" because it didn't go "their way", but I don't think the Hollyweird machine will let Roach show the pant-suit hag melting down and drinking herself into a stooper as it's been said from back then. Yep - saw it in the theater twice, actually, back then. It was a great experience and oddly enough, first time I watched it the theater was about half-full. Second time (the following weekend), the theater was packed. Well, I guess.... He got a chainsaw in his balloon knot. Poor bastard couldn't get a nut before he bought the farm. Would have been even more entertaining if TUNEMAN would have spelled "bomb" like "bom" in The Last Boy Scout and Canoe Reeves would have told him that "bom" means "fuck you" in Polish. There's a girl that's getting her squish mitten pounded in the shower but you don't see tit or vag until she's been SPOILER: chainsawed... sharpfish has a perfect synopsis of this. He definitely didn't want chemo or radiation because of watching his wife suffer. Yeah, no. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA No. Brucccce Kasiaski.... San Fransico University... Tight End.... Next year I hope to be a WIIIIIDE Retheeever! View all replies >