MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > I'll always laugh every time the K.R. pa...

I'll always laugh every time the K.R. page is bumped to the MC main page.

Just like Trump every time I see him on the front page I know he is winning at life and owning the "Libs". He's a national hero for taking out the trash that one night in Kenosha, WI.




Interesting. You think BLM is trash? Are you a white supremacist like the Proud Boys?


Jacob Blake was a criminal and got what he deserved. KR took out the trash.


Wonderful. So protestors should be shot by teenagers?

I don't need high school kids patrolling the streets with rifles, thank you very much. That's why we have cops. Be careful what you ask for because some dumb kid might shoot you or a family member next.


πŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚ You liberals and your ability to twist facts to suit your narrow minded narrative always cracks me up. Big difference between protesters and rioters.


He killed one rioter. The other two he shot were protestors who tried to disarm the crazy guy with a gun.

Do you support all these crazy shooters, like the ones at Sandy Hook and Columbine?


Again, liberals twisting facts to suit a narrative. It's cute that you think you know the situation better than a jury that had every fact presented to them. The idea that you'd compare a mass shooter to a person defending themselves from people actively trying to harm him says everything about your inability to be objective.


"Liberals" lol. I ain't liberal. I believe in law and order and that means no punks running around in the streets shooting people.

The real hero that night was Anthony Huber, the man who was murdered trying to disarm a mass shooter.


Was Huber the guy trying to cave Rittenhouse head in with a skateboard?


OnanTheLiberal should let someone hit him in the head with a skateboard, then decide if that seems life threatening. These closet lefty fucks don't even bother trying to be factually accurate.


Exactly, leftists can never argue facts.


You're definitely a liberal clown, but I'd be embarrassed to admit it too. "Mass shooter"....πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€‘ Get out of here with your lefty bullshit.


He legally owned the gun. He had a right to carry it. You need to understand how the law works.


I don't need high school kids patrolling the streets with rifles, thank you very much. That's why we have cops

But you are ok with Anthony Huber trying to stop β€œcrime” by swinging a skateboard at someone’s head. Obviously you are ok with vigilante justice as long as you agree with their political beliefs.


No but rioters that attack people unprovoked are subject to being shot in self defense.


Bullshit. Disarming a mass shooter of his rifle with a skateboard is what a hero does. If Anthony Huber had been at Sandy Hook several people might still be alive.


No, trying to disarm someone with an AR by using a skateboard is imbecilic.

And Huber would still have died at SH.


You mean if the convicted felon domestic abuser had been at Sandy Hook, he would've been the hero? Are you retarded?

Mass shooter? He shot three people who attacked him first, while being chased and shot at. I know you liberal morons are butthurt at the idea of a citizen defending themselves with lethal force but you're not going to twist reality to fit your delusions.




That sounds like a threat.


Be afraid of Kowalski. Be very afraid. 🀣


If he was attacking you, you'd have every right to defend yourself.


Interesting you assume he's talking about BLM when he simply said "trash." Three men (not black, Jewish, in fact) committed attempted murder on Rittenhouse and he used deadly force to defend his life. The first one was a literal child rapist who was screaming the n-word; the second, a communist that swung a skateboard at the child's head as he was fleeing for his life; the third, a "medic" who self-admitted to pretending to surrender, then pointed a loaded, illegally owned firearm at the child who only then shot him. The only black man involved was an unnamed John Doe who drop-kicked the child as he was fleeing (and hasn't stood trial for his crime).

Ironically, the first man and convicted felon, Rosenbaum, was only off his meds because the BLM riots had disrupted his ability to get his psychiatric prescription filled.


What's with the anti-Semitism? Jewish folks are often involved in the civil rights movement.

If it was only Rosenbaum who was killed, I wouldn't even be arguing this.

The hero here were Anthony Huber, who tried to knock the rifle out of Rittenhouse's hand, not kill him. He died for trying to disarm a mass shooter.

After seeing two men gunned down by an unhinged teenager, the medic intervened and was wounded.

After Columbine, Sandy Hook and the other mass shootings, Huber and the medic were only doing what any good citizen would do, disarm a madman who just killed a man.

You want untrained high school kids patrolling the streets with loaded rifles. I want trained police to do their job.


>What's with the anti-Semitism? Jewish folks are often involved in the civil rights movement.

lol k, anti-Semitic to point out that Rittenhouse's attackers weren't black, but Jewish? Would that mean that attempting to murder a white child is anti-white? I was pointing out that only one of Rittenhouse's attackers was black.

>He died for trying to disarm a mass shooter.

There wouldn't have been a "mass shooting" if multiple people didn't try to murder a child.

>After seeing two men gunned down by an unhinged teenager, the medic intervened and was wounded.

Which shows you the importance of not attempting to murder someone.

>Huber and the medic were only doing what any good citizen would do, disarm a madman who just killed a man.

The only one disarmed was the felon who illegally owned a gun and had his bicep righteously blown off. Fun fact, Groeskrutz changed his name to Paul Prediger (look up the Biblical significance) and was later run over by a black man who then fled the scene (lol). Prior to him pointing an illegally owned firearm at a fleeing child, he also witnessed Rittenhouse putting out a fire at a church.

At least Groeskrutz had the integrity to admit that he pointed the gun at the child first, and admitted that he could have seen how a man in Rittenhouse's situation would see that a threat of imminent deadly force as he was attempting to flee the multiple attackers. Part of me suspects he's had an inner struggle and come to accept that what he did was wrong and could've resulted in the death of an innocent child. He also lost a lawsuit largely due to his truthful testimony about his actions that night.

>You want untrained high school kids patrolling the streets with loaded rifles.

No, I don't. But if we had a nation of Rittenhouses and fewer attempted-child-murderers like Rosenbaum, Groeskrutz, Huber, John Doe, and John Doe #2 who fired the first shot at Rittenhouse (and missed), we'd be a lot safer.

>I want trained police to do their job.

Me too. Why were they told to stand down during the riots?


Oh please, you say these three men were attempted child killers, and then you point out the irrelevant fact that they were all Jewish. Anti-Semitic bullshit.

I suppose it is relevant though since Rittenhouse partied with the anti-Semitic white supremacist Proud Boys after the shootings.

There wouldn't have been a mass shooting if Kyle Rittenhouse had stayed home that night. People do have a right to protest in the U.S. And police would never shoot a man for lighting fire to a trash can.

Too bad Huber and Grosskreutz weren't at Sandy Hook. Lives could have been saved, you anti-Semitic git.


>There wouldn't have been a mass shooting if Kyle Rittenhouse had stayed home that night. People do have a right to protest in the U.S. And police would never shoot a man for lighting fire to a trash can.

What an oddity: a "mass shooting" where the only people shot were people who were attempting to murder the shooter! There's another name for it but I can't quite put my finger on what it is...

>Oh please, you say these three men were attempted child killers, and then you point out the irrelevant fact that they were all Jewish. Anti-Semitic bullshit.

lol you seem to have forgotten you started the conversation with accusations that the post-starter was a white supremacist. I pointed out the men killed were all non-black. You bristled at this and seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder.

>Too bad Huber and Grosskreutz weren't at Sandy Hook. Lives could have been saved, you anti-Semitic git.

Based on proven events, they'd be the ones attempting to kill children, not save them. Perhaps that's the reason for the-one-armed-child-murderer's new name. You don't really seem capable of absorbing those points, though, and are more accustomed to arguing by using irrelevant accusations and other emotion-centric outbursts.


I linked you to the ADL's description of the Proud Boys as an anti-Semitic white supremacist hate group. The ADL is the Anti-Defamation league, an important Jewish civil rights group.

You ignore that Rittenhouse drank and partied with the Proud Boys after the shooting. There are pictures of him flashing a white power symbol. Are you not aware that Jews are the target of Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, just as are blacks?

Again, as I proved allover this thread, nobody tried to kill Rittenhouse, only disarm him after he shot a man.


>You ignore that Rittenhouse drank and partied with the Proud Boys after the shooting.

Do you mean when he fired his attorney who was using him for photo ops? It came up in the trial you didn't watch:

"Rittenhouse says the photo was one of the reasons he decided to fire Pierce, who was 'putting me in situations...with people I don’t agree with'" Look it up.

But I'm sure it's not hard for you to believe he was lying, since you think that him being physically assaulted by a child rapist screaming "fight me, n---er, kill me, ni--er!", then later on his back with a riot around him, as men kick his head and another swings a skateboard at him isn't reason enough to believe he feared for his life. (Even though the prosecution's star witness, the one-armed "medic" who illegally owned a firearm, agreed with the defense that Rittenhouse had reason to fear for his life.) This is on video, and the FBI drone footage in the trial shows that Rosenbaum was attacking Rittenhouse as he fled. It also shows that the riot shot at him first, with shots fired by a John Doe #2.

>Again, as I proved allover this thread, nobody tried to kill Rittenhouse, only disarm him after he shot a man.

What you've *proven* is that you've given me a great opportunity to point out how easy it is to defend the child's actions on that night.


Lol. You need to take a xanax and lie down.

"The child"? What, you want to mother him?

Are you male or female?


he hero here were Anthony Huber, who tried to knock the rifle out of Rittenhouse's hand, not kill him.

And you know this how? Did he speak to you from beyond the grave?

Here's a picture of him hitting KR in the head. It's interesting that his skateboard is nowhere near KR's rifle.


Huber was a nicer guy than me. He hit his shoulder. I would have swung my skateboard at Rittenhouse's giant head. He's obviously not trying to kill the brat, just stop him from shooting.

Here's your hero Rittenhouse beating the crap out of a 15-year-old girl:

What a man! 🀣


Rittenhouse was the conservatives' poster boy for Second Amendment rights but now he's mostly forgotten about by everyone. Rittenhouse is just a stupid middle school dropout who got lucky that his judge is a MAGA supporter or he'd be in prison. He will continue to amount to nothing and will be a fat loser all his life.


The best thing for that kid would have been to spend a long haul behind bars to contemplate what he did. The system did him no favors. He could have reformed himself but now he believes he's self-entitled.

We'll here about him again in a few years, when he kills someone but doesn't have the benefit of the racially charged BLM protests to rally rednecks to his defense.

In ten years Rittenhouse will be either dead or in prison.


You leftists are beyond reason.


This is not even a left right issue. Grosskreutz is a leftist and he had a gun. Unless you live in the wilderness of Alaska, you know that in any city in the U.S., a teenager won't get very far walking down Main Street with a loaded rifle over his shoulder. The cops would have him down on the ground in seconds if they didn't shoot him.

You may want high school boys with guns to protect you, but I don't. We have enough teenagers running around with guns here and they're all up to no good.

So tell me how Huber and Grosskreutz were to know that Rittenhouse wasn't about to pull another Sandy Hook?


Like I said.


Uhuh. What you said makes no sense. If Rittenhouse had stayed home there would have been no violence at that protest march. Dumb snotnosed kid. 🀣


They tried to disarm Rittenhouse, shit for brains.


Sure, because no one should try and disarm some dumb kid who just killed a man. Huber & Grosskreutz were just doing what any good citizen would do, disarm a crazy guy with a gun.

Even if want to justify the killing of the pedo Rosenbaum, Huber & Grosskreutz didn't know he was a pedo and didn't know why Rittenhouse shot him. They just wanted to disarm Rittenhouse. All Rittenhouse had to do was lay down his gun.


Why did Rittenhouse kill Rosenbaum? Dont try and make it seem like he was just randomly shot.


Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag containing socks, underwear, and deodorant at Rittenhouse.

Oh noes, Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at Rittenhouse!!! He deserved to die!!! 🀣


β€œHe was chasing me, I was alone, he threatened to kill me earlier that night. I didn’t want to have to shoot him,” Rittenhouse testified. β€œI pointed it at him because he kept running at me and I didn’t want him to chase me.”

Funny you left this out huh.


So? Rosenbaum was unarmed. Fight him like a man. He was a 5'2" angry dwarf. He was no threat to Rittenhouse. Put up your dukes and fight him like a man. Or better yet, stay home and don't provoke fights you can't handle.


If you charge someone who is armed you better be prepared to be shot. That's how the law works.


The violence started before the KR incident.


You know what, you're right. The violence started when some guy lit a trash can on fire. Oh noes!!! Kill him!!! He lit a trash can on fire!!! 🀣


Notice Onan doesnt state a single fact. It's all lefty screeching and hyperbole.


Lol. Here you go again with the paranoia about "lefties" and "libtards". Sorry, nothing left wing about wanting law and order in the streets. And Grosskreutz is a hero, and Grosskreutz had a gun. I never said a word against our right to carry guns. I just have a problem with some snotnosed kid prancing down Main Street trying to play cop.


The big fat loser is you, Lige.


You believe I'm a loser because I dislike fat boy Rittenhouse? Okay, I get it. That means you're a loser because you dislike Biden and anyone else who lives outside of your trailer park. 🀣


C'mon now, Ligey. Keep c'lectin' cans and mayhap someday, you'll be able to 'ford to live in a trailer park w'yer sister/wife.


Are you okay? Are you having a stroke? Ask your wife/sister to take you to the emergency room. Hurry!


Now don't be a poachin' m'stuff. Get yer own m'terial, ya ijit!

Is it true that when yew were layin' cable wit yer sister she said "Ligey, yer even better'n paw." and yew said "Ah know. Ma tol' me the same."?


That's actually pretty funny! πŸ˜‚


It's pretty funny that you sit around fantasizing about killing children.

>Here's your hero Rittenhouse beating the crap out of a 15-year-old girl

Oh no, a school fight where he was attacked.

>He's obviously not trying to kill the brat, just stop him from shooting.

Your goal is to stop a child from shooting. You see that the child has a gun. You see the child is running away from your mob. You see he has his hands up. You see he's running towards police. You see he's yelling "Help! I just shot someone!" You hear the mob scream, "GET THAT N-----," "KILL HIM," and "FUCK THAT WHITE C------!" The mob is comprised of communists, anti-white racists, and has been rioting throughout the night, burning down property and screaming constant hatred.

Do you:

A) Chase after the child and attempt to kill him
B) Let him continue runing to police

If you chose A, then you'd have made a decision as bad as Huber and would currently be in the advanced stages of decomposition in the ground, and your victim would be living his life with the emotional scars you gave him--but otherwise safe, thank God.


Meh, it goes to character when a boy hits a girl like that. So if you want to attack Huber for his past, you open up Rittenhouse's shady past to scrutiny as well.

And if your boy is such a "child", why wasn't he at home sucking on a bottle, rather than playing cop at a protest march?

And merely because some guy who just killed a man starts screaming "Help", that doesn't mean you let him run off and escape. You catch the guy, disarm him, and then hold him for the police.

Again, Huber hit him in the shoulder. That's not gonna kill him. And Grosskreutz had a gun but didn't shoot him. Nobody was trying to kill Rittenhouse.

Now tell us all some more about these three evil Jews whom you think deserved to die.


>And if your boy is such a "child", why wasn't he at home sucking on a bottle, rather than playing cop at a protest march?

The amount of seething you have for a friend showing up and literally putting out a fire and cleaning graffiti off a church (put there by the side you're defending, who were rioting, being destructive and violent) is telling.

Nothing Rittenhouse did was illegal. And if you're so concerned with illegality, why aren't you concerned with the literal felon child rapist and the "medic" who illegally owned a firearm and tried to kill a kid with it?

>Again, Huber hit him in the shoulder. That's not gonna kill him.

"The child should've just laid on the ground and let the screaming man at the vanguard of a riotous mob pursuing him swing a skateboard at his head."

>And Grosskreutz had a gun but didn't shoot him. Nobody was trying to kill Rittenhouse.

Grosskreutz admitted on the stand that he was swinging the firearm around towards Rittenhouse's head and AGREED that Rittenhouse was right to fear for his life from his own actions. He also was recorded by his friend at the hospital saying his only regret is not killing Rittenhouse earlier.

All you have are lies and seething and coping, and you're hilariously incensed that I pointed out only one of his attackers was black and therefore your argument about it being about race has no merit.

>Now tell us all some more about these three evil Jews whom you think deserved to die.

I think anyone who attacked a child in those circumstances deserves to die. That's the difference between you and me: I see facts and can look at the actual circumstances.


The amount of seething you have for a friend showing up and literally putting out a fire and cleaning graffiti off a church (put there by the side you're defending, who were rioting, being destructive and violent) is telling.

Hahaha. The only one seething here is you. I support law and order, not high school kids playing cop.

We're not talking about cleaning graffiti. Really? You think that's what Rittenhouse was doing there that night?

All I saw there was some unhinged nut show up with a gun, he panicked when he realized he was in over his head, and three men were shot because this dumb kid didn't stay home and watch tv.

Who gives a rat's ass about the race or religion of anyone there? The Proud Boys did. I don't.


>We're not talking about cleaning graffiti. Really? You think that's what Rittenhouse was doing there that night?

He cleaned graffiti off a church and put out a fire. Here he is with the fire extinguisher and the dumpster:

Here he is cleaning graffiti from a church the same day, before the nightly BLM communist riot:

>I support law and order, not high school kids playing cop.

You support children being murdered and Americans not having the right to defend themselves from thugs, communists, insurrectionists, fake medics, and child-rapists

>All I saw there was some unhinged nut show up with a gun,

What you saw and what constitutes reality are very different things

>Who gives a rat's ass about the race or religion of anyone there? The Proud Boys did. I don't.

You clearly do


Huber was a nicer guy than me. He hit his shoulder. I would have swung my skateboard at Rittenhouse's giant head. He's obviously not trying to kill the brat, just stop him from shooting.

I can't believe that you spout this much ignorance, and you still haven't watched the video, or done any research whatsoever. Rittenhouse wasn't shooting, he was running, and he was blocks away from where the last shots were fired. Huber didn't see any of that. The next shot that was fired, was at him. He tired to run in and attack someone that was already on the ground. He didn't stop a shooter, because there was no shooting, he helped escalate the situation based on the word of the mob. He's a follower.


OnanTheBarbarian has been told that many times, and shown videos, and saw sworn testimony from Rittenhosue's *accusers* agreeing to those basic facts. He's just off in his own universe at this point, playing with himself.


Yes, Rittenhouse had already shot Rosenbaum. All Huber knew is that some guy with a gun had just killed a man. Any good man with a sense of civil responsibility would have done the same.

I get that Rittenhouse panicked and was scared. But he put himself in that situation unnecessarily.


That’s was blocks away from where Huber got shot. You said Huber was trying to stop him from shooting. He wasn’t shooting. He was forced to fire a shot after he was attacked. If Huber wanted to prevent him from shooting, he could’ve just done nothing.


I felt like quoting Dalton from Road House. KR "Took out the Trash".🀣


BLM is trash and is not being used for what it's intended purpose was and instead, it's being used to weaponize black people into walking down the street and suckering punching white people, get arrested and then get off within 24 hours of the "O'Biden Oprah #MeToo Justice System"


BLM is full of at best well meaning but utterly mislead and uninformed people. And at worst a mix of Marxists, anarcho-communists, antifa faggots, and straight up black supremacist thugs who march around chanting "kill the White man" and "White lives don't matter". Not to mention that bitch at the top who took the donations of those afore mentioned well meaning but mislead people, and spent them on a mansion.


You'll look at him until you love him libtards!!


Half this "Movie" Chat site is about types like him. All the time.


Leftists cannot help it.


Neither can Rightists.


I'd argue that it is mostly leftists starting discussions. See Rittenstud's page. That Ran guy creating multiple discussions about the guy out of pure hatred and spite, it's like TDS - but with Rittenstud.

But I would never deny that people on the right aren't fucking dumb too. They are extreme for a reason.


Poor little pig nosed Kyle!


vile rottenlouse and conald dump are murdering maga slimeballs. Fixed it for ya! Too bad MC has become the place for 4 chan magas kicked off of all the other platforms.


KR did God's work.


lol! The KR photo is so bad it’s good
