MovieChat Forums > Topcat81 > Replies
Topcat81's Replies
The world has been watching us for a long time way before Trump became President.
I will defend my great leader. The same leader who was friends with rosa parks and al sharpton and Jesse Jackson and don king and chuck shumer and whoever else. Like I said, just because you call him a racist doesnt make it so.
And I don't like using the N word. I'm not a racist and neither is Trump. Just because you call someone a racist doesn't make it so. If i called you a pedophile, does that make you one?
Ok well we can play the same game. I accuse Obama of being a racist. I accuse Hillary of being a racist.
Why do you want me to say the N word? I dont want to say that word. Its punk racists like you who love that word.
Exactly. These libtards have nothing. They just keep jerking off to supposedly racist hit pieces. They're obsessed with race and gay sex.
And my answer to that is a big NO!! I will not refute it because its a bunch of bull crap. You idiots keep fishing for this shit and its going to keep blowing up in your face. Why wasn't this article written 30 years before, junior? Whydidnt this destroy his tv career? You asshats didnt cry racist until DJT ran for president as a Republican. Shame on you!! The rest of the world is watching!! What other lies do you have up your sleeves?
The Democrat party are the true racists. Can't get shit done and virtue signals just to get votes.
Blah bla blah yada yada yada racist racist racist. C'mon man, give it up already with the left wing propaganda.
The difference between Riggs and Maclane is that Riggs does not have a reason to live. He basically has nothing to lose.
Yeah, Paul Ryan was a big fan of hers. And Trump hated his guts.
Good luck trying to get any intellectual responses from any democrats. They'll defend that snake Obama even with contradictory factual evidence staring them in the face.
That AOC is a shit for brains, that's for sure. And Bernie is plain bat shit kgb crazy.
Marx was a bum who never worked a day in his life. And Lenin had syphilis. We can only imagine what happened to his brain by 1924.
All the Democrat elitists that tried to overthrow our republic belong in jail buddy.
He talks like charlatan huckster? I think you have him mixed up with barry soetaro. That guy had a tongue like a snake. And btw, I didn't know speaking like a huckster was a felony.
Ain't nothing criminal about Roger Stone. You pinko lefties are just mad that he called out the politicians that rape this country daily. Shame on you!!
No snepts, it's called being pragmatic. You talk about Trump not being presidential all the time but at least he's got the worlds attention. China, Saudi Arabia respects his ass because he commands it. Pete Buttplug and his " husband" lol, would make us the laughing stock of the world. Have some sense you crybaby
Just another American patriot getting persecuted for maintaining the struggle. FREE ROGER STONE!!!!
Yatzo do you need your diaper changed, little baby?