LordBAElish's Posts

Reboot Coming Omar getting divorced...again! Impeachment claims arleady crumbling for democrats: REPORT: Whistleblower Lied On Complaint Ledger or Phoenix. Pick your Joker AOC Supporter or Troll says we have to eat babies Young Michael Douglas & Young Emilio Estevez Forensic Files 2 OOPS! NY Times Back Peddles on Yet Another Fake Hate Crime Doggiedaddy is a parody account O.K. Hand Sign Is a Hate Symbol, Anti-Defamation League Says...Wait...what? Democrats Wrote to Ukraine in May 2018, Demanding It Investigate Trump.....Oh Never found him funny 5 eras of the Simpsons Liberals in Tears: Stock market aims to be near all time highs (again) under Trump Supreme Court Says Trump Can Bar Asylum Seekers Why didn't Kanaga.... Rank Connery's Bond Films AOC vows to help pay for bail of criminals Unions: Bad outweighs the good Liberal science logic