C5noone's Replies

Worth watching. It's great stuff There is not one laugh in the entire movie. I believe that it is mainly done to misdirect the Kujan (the audience). I saw this in the theater when I was 20 or so...I was blown away at how bad it was. As soon as the movie ended I got up and stood by the exit to see what the other theater goers thought and they mostly said it was ok. It was at that moment that I realized that the world, generally, has no taste. The first 4 minutes are what I think I would have wanted in a Garfield film. Then it's a bunch of random nonsense. Prepare to watch 7 new characters get introduced and get "heartfelt" moments. It's the best show that no one talks about. “Freddie Mercury Casual.” it's perfect. Except for the main enemy. The actor that play Bennet was too soft. The last boss has to be the toughest. be honest...the standup is terrible as well If laughing at his own jokes is the measure of his comedy...he wins all contests. I dont get it. I dont know if I ever will. Because Jim Carrey was about having fun and being sexy...and that is a bald guy vibe. She looks like Jay Mohr Looked like the goombas from the Mario Bros movie He need to have a criminal record so that the prints could find a match Just the audience short answer. No. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 Since Jan 1, 150k cases and 5k deaths. most of the deaths have been older people with other health issues. "Don't Panic" I agree. That does seem to be the case. I personally do not dislike him and think that he is good in a certain kind of role...but I think that this role is to big for him. Any touches that he may put on the genie to make his own are going to be obvious and cheese. What I dont understand is how they couldn't just reuse Robin Williams voice work since the genie will probably be all CGI anyway the hair looked fake...it was quite unsettling Didn't think of him...good pick. Steve Harvey is too busy. Get The Rock.