AmeriGirl26's Replies

There's actually a website called "TV Tropes" that covers this, how some things you see on TV actually are found in real life (Truth in Television), and even a section where something insane happened in real life, but nobody would believe it really did unless they were there (Reality is Unrealistic). I thought it was mostly just any old men in power, not just Jewish men. Not sure what it is about Hollywood and Washington, but they <i>really</i> love to have power over women and underage minors. All I've seen are advanced cell phones and tablets, similar to the communicators and PADD's from Star Trek. Fashion hasn't gotten better either. Where's all the shiny, crazy-colored, retro-60s stuff they said everyone would be wearing? I remember in the year 2000, there was a commercial out there with Avery Brooks, yelling, "Where are the flying cars!" To be fair, people are already stupid behind the wheel of cars on the ground. I don't think it would go over well with cars that could fly. Dad says that we will probably not develop such technology for another century, and even then, it will be so highly restricted that you're barely even driving, due to all the safeguards the inventors would have to build into the entire system to save idiots from themselves. That's a scary thought. I still find it crazy that we are now living an entire century after the Jazz Age. Or that "a century ago" doesn't mean 1800s anymore. Don't worry about it. This movie was a shitshow from the start, all the way back when they started filming without a script. It'll be in theaters, it'll bomb, people will laugh at how stupid and badly-written it is, and then everyone will forget about it five minutes later. Simple as that. I've admired some people, but not enough to emulate them in any way. What works for them would not work for me. Well, I wouldn't call him that 100%, but at least he's got his shit together. The majority of teachers are not your mom. You, your mom, and your kids were lucky to have been in an environment where there was a bunch of good teachers around. Sadly, such a place is very rare outside of wherever you were. Most public schools in America suck, particularly if one was attending after 1989. It got even worse after 2005, when social media came online. Many these days are just warehouses to keep kids off the streets for 8 hours a day until they're 18, and then they're dumped into society. The majority of teachers I've seen were okay, slightly good at their jobs, or so bad at their jobs that I actually quit the class, even though it wasn't normally allowed at that time in history. None ever inspired me to want to do anything but flee school as fast as possible. Mom tried pushing me really hard to be a public school teacher like her, and I said "no." After the garbage I put up with while growing up, going back to classrooms like that would have made me re-live all the emotional torture again. Plus, teaching in public schools doesn't pay very well, even today. And it turned out that it was a very good choice not to go into teaching. If you heard what teachers have to go through in just teaching colleges these days, never mind actually getting a job and getting into a real classroom, you wouldn't want to do it either. I have a friend who had an emotional breakdown and had to quit teaching in college and go into another career, simply for that reason. And it was all thanks to Common Core and GLSEN. There's a reason I've sworn never to let my kids attend public school, so they would never have to go through the garbage I did. I'm not the only person who has made "broad sweeping statements" about the state of our school system. There are literally <i>thousands</i> of stories real-life teachers have posted online about what it's like trying to do their job in the classrooms these days, and it sounds like a nightmare. They're not allowed to do their job most of the time, because of the bad policies schools have implemented, due to "not hurting people's feelings," and all it has done is ruin the classroom experience for everyone. For one brief moment, I thought openly about being a science teacher in the private school sector, and mom, being a public school snob, immediately told me public schools paid more, which isn't saying much. Of course, I've gone out of my way not to be like her, so that was another reason not to become a teacher. And yet they watch CNN in places like Taiwan. Explain that one, monkey. And don't kid yourself if you think people overseas are smarter than Americans. They can be just as stupid in other countries, nor do they hold themselves to a higher standard of morality of any kind. You can argue all day long about how everyone overseas is "better" than Americans, but just remember, which country everyone is moving to, and who everyone is <i>not</i> moving to. And if you try throwing more poo at me, keep in mind that I've got a shield that throws that shit right back at you, including the part about how you pretended like you were smarter than me and knew better, when in fact, all you did is reveal why you somehow leaked out of my ignore list. I learned a long time ago never to put anyone famous on a pedestal. All you end up doing five minutes later is discovering something wrong with them, something you can't stand, and they get knocked off. Historical figures are to be admired, but never idolized, otherwise you end up knocking them off the pedestal too. It won't work. Who says they're gonna wait? They're already fear-mongering with lies from their propaganda parrots and making up shit about how "evil" Trump and Musk are, and anyone with an IQ lower than 60 eats it up like cocaine-laced candy. Now all the Hamas apologists can go cry. Did you know most countries outside of America think we all live in Beverly Hills mansions and are all fat too? Or that we're all either glamorous Hollywood stars, or rednecks that can barely form a sentence. Can't imagine where <i>that</i> ignorant idea came from, do you? Did you also know that they think our kids spend all day dodging bullets at school, or that we have people shooting each other day in and day out, like America is a war zone. Care to explain where <i>those</i> stereotypes come from? I'll give you a hint: foreigners stupid enough to watch our tv shows or left-wing news networks and believe everything they see is true. So who's the real ignorant one here? She would have been in the minority. My mom was a public school teacher too, and she told me all about how messed up the system was, even in the 90s when she was most active in her career. Usually good teachers nowadays are chased out by old, bad teachers that feel threatened by the presence of teachers who are better at the craft than they are. I know, because I saw it happen several times while I was growing up. Screw them. The only reasons their show is still around is because ABC is desperate for viewer numbers and people like to tune in when these bitches are made to look stupid or eat crow. Doesn't look like it did any good. All our bad teachers are the ones that actually have jobs in our public schools and all the good ones are either unemployed (due to being on a blacklist for voting the wrong way) or being forced to take jobs that have nothing to do with education. It's probably a similar situation in England, considering what kind of a doormat the native British have turned into. I'd say getting the witches on "The Coven" mad should be seen as a badge of honor.