MovieChat Forums > Neckk > Replies
Neckk's Replies
Charlotte, junior? Riight. Your response only further solidifies that people on the left are blissfully racist as anyone with at least a fifth grade education level who were to read your "toilet" comment would deem it to be racist. No suprise you or other ignorants dont see it. Bless your hearts...
EDIT: Charlotte, you're still a bigot for making that "toilet" comment. Just wanted to clarify.
No, it's not that I should refrain, since "overshadowed" is exactly what I meant as I went into detail explaining why. Besides that, I agree with the rest of your post. In addition, my post count shouldn't have anything to do with anything regarding discussing movies on a movie forum. But yeah, I actually do miss my post count from my IMDB account I opened in 04. Glad to see this place picking up where it left off...
Saying violence doesn't discriminate means we should focus on that as it supercedes anything to do with race. Quit talking about race and instead come up with solutions of how to fix this. If that's too hard to understand, well, I really feel sorry for you.
Discriminate based on gender? No. Based on strength. Weak people pick on weak people. I believe the man would have attacked a male if he percieved him to be weak. Yes, i should have clarified that in my earlier post.
It's interesting how you both want to keep black people down with your virtue signaling adopted victimhood mentality. Knock it off already. You too, daddy ;)
Please, stop your virtue signaling. I don't appreciate your attempt in trying to tell me how I feel or think or how to feel or how to think. Race has nothing to do with it. Just a hateful person manifesting his hatred to the closest, percieved weak person. The only people who would view it as a racist attack are either racist themselves or are simply simple.
Whata YUGE, YUGE opportunity. They won't even know how YUGE of an opportunity it's gonna be. YUGE!
"If black people choose to be conservative, it's their right, but most of us see that as selling out against their people's self interest."
You don't see it, do you? THIS is exactly what I'm talking about regarding racism coming from the left. For clarity, I mean" ignorant" as in one was never taught. I don't mean it to sound malicious, and I'm sorry if I came off that way. But to say blacks have sold out at all is extremely racist, regardless which direction they lean.
Personally, Im a centrist, which pretty much puts me on the right. And as a black man, I've experienced first hand racism from all sides, from almost all races and cultures. I don't consider myself a sell-out, but i do consider myself free of the democrat plantation where im supposed to think and act a certain way, or else i'll be labled an "Uncle Tom" or as you put, a "sell-out".
Regardless, im grateful that we're both able to have a civil dialog :)
Good! Poor excuses of humans like that dont deserve to walk about. I hope the lady is ok..
This isnt true at all, unless youre one of the many on the left who redefine certain words to fit their world view (ie, racism/reverse racism, xenophobia, etc...). I will agree with you 100% that there are some racist people on the right, just as there are on the left.
I think the main distinction between the racists on the left and the right are the knuckheads on the right are proud to be racists, while the knuckleheads on the left don't know that theyre racist out of blatant ignorance. I.e, theres another leftist poster who claims that ridding the nation of illegal immigrants will result in our toilets being dirty since no one will clean them. THAT, is the classic definition of racism.
Also, the racism coming from democrats towards black conservatives is astounding and it's criminal that this isnt being reported on. But, thats another post for another day.
Thanks for your .02, sincerely.
A few minutes in and I just saw the little kid get thrown against a steel wall, like, HARD. I couldnt stop laughing. Should be entertaining in glorious c-movie fashion.
Gotcha, daddy. Thanks for your time, sincerely. See you around the forums :)
Who exactly is uncomfortable? There are many sick people in the world, both men and women. Some poor excuses of human beings who call themselves men hit women. In no way am I excusing that type of foul behavior, but it is what is. Id feel just as bad if it were a male victim, as if that needs to be said. Its a fact that when someone who is prone to attack actually attacks, they target the weak. Its not an issue with gender, its an issue of violence. Not exactly sure what youre not understanding. Further more, Im not a conservative, daddy :)
Lol no, daddy. Thats what YOU just said. Like most lefties, you have succeeded in putting emphasis on gender and race as opposed to the foul action(s) at hand. You inject race and gender in places where the two have nothing to do with anything. Most betas like doing that. Thanks for proving my point, daddy ;)
Charlotte wrote: "Republicans don’t want to keep desperate illegals out. Who would clean their toilets?"
Thats the most racist thing Ive read today. As if illegals are only good enough to clean toilets? Talk about bigotry...
As someone who lives in a town which is made up of over 50% of field workers, I can say you definitely do not know what youre talking about regarding these "jerbs". But one thing is for sure, I know more centrist dems working the field than I do lefties.
Reminded me of old slasher movies where you were rooting for the antagonist to take out the annoying fodder in creative, interesting ways. It never crossed my mind that any of the characters were supposed to be likeable in this. A glorified slasher with gorgeous cinematography in a beautiful setting.
In addition, never did I claim that the ending to Prometheus out-do Covenant. I said overshadowed. Meaning, Prometheus (in general) was more of a philisophical science fiction film than it was a horror film. The ending, while being a proper way to close the chapter, left a lot of possibilities for a sequel. Personally, I was hoping Scott would abandon the Xenomorphs all together and instead make a pure science fiction film, which is what Prometheus was dying to be. Instead of going the philisophical route, we got more aliens with Covenant. Ergo, the possibilities that could have stemmed from the ending of Prometheus were snuffed out in favor of retreading old territory in a new setting.
Agreed. Also, Covenant was GORGEOUS. Too bad about the rest.
If hating Covenant makes me a troll, then Im the biggest troll of them all. I mean, nevermind the literally countless times Ive watched Alien, Aliens, Alien ³, Ressurection, and Prometheus. Nevermind that I can recite most dialog verbatim since Im a huge fan. But im a troll because I personally dont like the latest entry. Yeah, OK.
Probably not, since men are generally
physically stronger than women.