Bolchevik's Replies

She said that the guy from #Me too destroyed her career. He might have succeeded to a certain extent. The whole story might be happening in the Matrice His job was clearly not to kill a handcuffed person and that would have been stupid anyway. Who would do that in broad day light with lots of people reacting and shouting, some even clearly filming ? Knee on the back, it means not on his neck. Not sure what knee on the back was making any difference at this point. But it's your business to comment my say I guess ... At all events, it was a sarcasm because BLM and other people want to defund the police and give the money to social organization. I don't know Floyd's family but they didn't seem very helpful with their brother when he was having a hard time in the past. But they were very prone to be everywhere after his death. And now $27 millions. That's a ridiculous sum of money. I guess Floyd was the right place (not for him but for his beloved family) at the right time (racial downward). That was exactly what I was thinking about. That sub anti racist part brought absolutely zero content to the plot. Pure propaganda. But it does not make much sense to offer a deal to the Lapadite family for hiding jews if he knew where they were hiding. He had some similarities but I don't think it was liev Schreiber Did Page still had career though ? It seems he made his move while it was dwindling hard. Interesting article but I have to disagree to some extent. Sure, the girl was "empowered" but I didn't feel the guys we're all "frightened buffoons". To the contrary I thought they were brave trying to protect the girl who was too emotional to protect her own child to be born. Their deaths (guys) was questionable though. The brother standing idle in front of the martian after throwing a molotov coktail ... the husband uselessly sacrificing himself. England killed the population of entire countries without a word while being invicible ? Even a pygmee can kill an English soldier with a sagaie. Besides, other countries were usually no angels either. Maybe it was innovative back then but the fact it's in this 2019 bbc miniseries seems more like proganda now. Though nice for the depiction of the era (1900) combined with sci-fi, the script and acting was not that great. They could have avoided doing politic (religion?) for one second. It was sarcastic ... 1. I don't know why anyone would laugh about anyone being convicted. It seems pretty vengeful to me. 2. I don't support bad cop just like I wrote above and gave example of a bad cop I didn't support. But Chauvin is not a bad cop for what happened to Floyd in my opinion. He's the victim of the actual race hysteria. Maybe he's bad for something else but I don't have that evidence in front of me; 3. I don't have the habit to flee my country anytime something I don't like happens. It seems pretty coward to me. Sure, just like Alexeï Navalny, Voltaire and lots of other people did for political reasons. And by the way, he's in appeal so don't be too cocky. "People like yourself think cops can do no wrong". I could use the same argument against you : People like you think that cops are always wrong. Yet you're wrong, I'll be the first to say if a cop did wrong. I know they can be prone to violence. But I have eyes so I can watch a video and a brain to resist the mass hysteria. Remember that cop who shot a dude in the back running away ? That was wrong and I said it. Chauvin has nothing to do with that. Floyd was high and resisted, complaining he so-called "couldn't breath" before he set a foot in the car, asked to be put down, Chauvin was not even putting pressure on the neck. The cops were calm and professional at all times. Compare with Rodney King and the sheer violence. Two different worlds. But we live in an age where race is so important, we have a bad video and we want a scape goat so let's go. There should not have been at statue in the first place imo. What is interesting is when racial activists illegaly destroy statues they don't like it's ok but not when it's someone they like. It's interesting that up there you're saying the fact that Floyd was a criminal is irrelevant but down here you're trying to prove Chauvin's culpability for Floyd's death because of previous complaints against Chauvin that are completely separate. The guy can have 2000 complaints, it doesn't prove anything in this case. Not to say they are complaints and nothing more. It's not like Chauvin was declared ethically guilty the 18 times. From what I remember, he was not declared responsible for a single one. The way I see things is that it was a political trial. The elite wanted Chauvin to be guilty (Judge, Chauvin's bosses and coworkers and politicians (think of Joe Biden who could not refrain himself to give his opinion before the Judgment). I mean, everything is back in order now. One guy in prison, no more riots, no more looting. Imagine if Chauvin was released, the country would be on fire because of the angry mobs. Wow, the trial in Minneapolis with all the heat and the jury coming in a fortress everyday. You can be sure they thought of the result too. Not to say some members were BLM's activists. It's irrelevant for the law, but it's relevant for morality They should have given the money to social organizations Right, they recruited her as a child to grow in the show. She was cute back then but she aged ... well average like you said.