FarmerTed's Replies

Used as in going in knowing what Hitler's intentions were. That Hitler intended to capitalize on certain characteristics and then reward these same individuals for it. Not used as in being deceived or tricked into performing acts for Hitler. I'm thinking that is what you meant when you said "He used Germans." That Hitler deceived or tricked Germans. Hitler needed a core of enforcers to control the population of Germany and they were the ones he rewarded with positions of power. I'm thinking he sought out those who ran with arrogance, illteracy, and ignorance meaning people who would never question policies of the government. That Hitler did not need useful idiots but people who thought they were infallible at least in their own minds. Some got much more than 1,200 dollars. Reports were that some got into the millions whether that was legitimate or not for each person. I would imagine that some greatly abused the program. I don't know that the word "used" fully or best describes what went on with quite a number of Germans. Some were very willing plus understood what Hitler's objectives were. I would put them into the minority but they were there nonetheless. Most followed out of fear. Extreme situations always allows extreme individuals to rise out of the shadows. It was seen with the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution. I guess my satisfaction in offering another reply to you will have to be knowing that I created some irritation to you since you refuse to embrace rational thought. Anyways, you do know that quite a number of Germans emigrated to the US in the decades prior to WWII. That in many cases contact was maintained after the emigration took place. That when the war finally took place that many Germans and German-Americans who fought gave thought that they could wind up fighting family. Further, the House of Hanover which ruled over Great Britain was a German house and that a fair number of its members spoke little or no English. That the close relationship resulted in military arrangements where Germans (mainly Prussians) worked with the British such as with the American Revolution. That British royals who many fawn over today are descendants of those rulers and would still carry the name of Hanover if they did not fear reprisal during WWI. Please do not disappoint me by not throwing your dirty diper down specifically not discussing why Germans would have empathy towards their opponents. I suppose there are the exceptions such as with the OP who most likely got more than their fair share of stimulus money then a paying gig to haunt sites such as this one. Vietnam was going to happen for the US. The Vietnamese had dealt with the French then the Japanese as unwanted invaders. They were going to view any new military force as the same plus they felt they needed to make a stand to the last man to have a place to live. The US initially went into Vietnam clandestinely on behalf of the French as the US felt that the French nominally were the only dependable ally on the European continent. My statement concerning Hitler has no bearing on your statement of being German which I still greatly doubt. In some ways I am a victim of the culture I describe of America when confronting certain issues by making an analogy to Nazi Germany. Especially when there is a degree of unpleasantness involved. But I still contend that my analogy of loud, illiterate, and arrogant as being the foundation of the Third Reich is apt. Your expression of a sentence of German language (which still needs to be investigated) could be the result of opening another window on your computer to a linguistics website. Or it could be the result of learning German elsewhere. Anyways, your refusal to even discuss empathy among opposing troops shows you are not serious . "That's utter nonsense" is not a discussion. If you cannot answer me then answer the other poster. Schnell!!!! One sentence is not proof as to your origin. Do you believe that a soldier can have empathy towards their adversary. Obviously, any government would strongly dissuade such emotion but at the same time cannot snuff it out in each and every person in their military service. Yes? Brainwashing on only this one matter and not a general indictment of the US. If you are a German then how would you have collected the information necessary to know if my so-called insult did not work? I'm not changing directions and if you had the least amount of intelligence you would know that. My second post is an expansion and compliment to my first post to you. I consider all of TimeTunnel's statements as being suspect. Meaning I doubt his statements concerning his country of origin and the attitude of most of its soldiers. Yes, a soldier can do his or her's job but yet have a degree of empathy towards their adversary. Hitler used guys like you as blocks in the foundation of the Third Reich. Loud, illiterate, and arrogant just like the people he gathered together who he found in the Munich Beer Halls. Your response shows how extensive the brainwashing and conditioning process is in a country such as the US. Please remember that I said rank and file and not some high ranking military officer or Gestapo officer. For as unrealistic as Hogan's Heroes was in most respects the mild annoyance shown by Klink and Schultz towards Gestapo and gun ho military officers was fairly accurate on average. Post WWI Germany was politically in bedlam as the traditional government was dissolved. Various political groups such as communists and anarchists were trying to at first undermine and then overthrow the Weimar Republic. If these groups were not fighting with one another they may have very well overthrown that government. The lack of trust that the average German had for those around them given the political chaos created an environment for Hitler to go to the extremes that he did. Pray that things never devolve in the US to the point where you cannot trust neighbors, relatives, and coworkers because they may strike out at you for having different politics than you. But you keep watching Indiana Jones and other literary works that portray Germans as 100 percent bad people. Do you also think that Italians all belong to the mafia or readily jump in bed with others that they are not married to. The rank and file German soldier looked at Allied soldiers as somewhat of a kinfolk who were separated from the Germans by war. Especially the English and the Americans. The Japanese soldier seldom had the same viewpoint towards other Asians never mind the English and the Americans. IIRC Hunter was a military veteran hence his different attitude. Most likely enlisted as opportunities were limited for a lot of people prior to the 1980's so quite a few people joined the service to take advantage of things such as ROTC. Howard would be out of place today because most cities take the approach of the cop being from a similar background as the citizens where he patrols or has authority over. I thought James B Sikking did a very good job portraying Hunter. Only if it has a Gomer Pyle USMC crossover. Have Pyle and his platoon performing sea maneuvers such as what was done on the actual series. Film two endings. One where Gomer's discovery of the island leads to the rescue of the castaways and one where it is one huge screwup by Gilligan and Gomer which has them all wind up stuck. Maybe have cousin Goober show up as his charter plane experiences engine trouble and he parachutes onto the island but then the engine straightens out and leaves Goober behind. By the way I put in an order for 6 birdhouses. Are they ready for delivery? So, what do you see when you are not looking in the mirror? Baltic Avenue. You can buy that to pair it with Mediterranean Avenue before you land on his Park Place then get bounced out of the game. He handled a rattlesnake in an episode of Gunsmoke around the same time as this movie. Or it is implied given the footage shown on television. Some people are not bothered by being close to such snakes but I would guess that club is a tiny percentage of people. I'll have to admit that you do have a sense of humor when prodded. Studios tend to be dirt cheap in terms of production including the use of vehicles. They wrecked no more than they had to and if a script called for a demolition they went out and found something that looked close and mixed in shots of the regular car. Those crying over the constant wrecking of Chrysler vehicles do not realize how dirt cheap those vehicles were in 1979 but even then there was a limit. It's not like they continually wrecked Camaro's and Mustang's. Nothing personal against Chrysler but that is how it was. During 1975 Chrysler had overstock at the Michigan state fairgrounds numbering into the hundreds of thousands so no doubt a bunch of Chargers, Monaco's, and others could be bought cheap.