jerryrip's Replies

I was wondering who she was. I knew I didn't like her from the moment I saw her and it figures. I didn't like her character at all from the Thor films; she's Thor's ballbuster. Black people prefer black people to be their leads I would imagine. Is that racist? No it's just human nature. Grow up. I liked the movie but that crying baby was the worst. I've never heard babies cry 24/7 like that. Trump Derangement Syndrome No snowflakes on the right. Liberals have that label to themselves. I love women. It seems like you've got it backwards; gay men by their very lifestyle hate women. I wasn't looking for it but there's only so much "slapping your face with it" that it's hard not to get the message. Are you that naive or are you that brainwashed? Don't you understand what the patriarchy is? I love programmed libs like you with all of your made-up terms like incel and friendzone. You don't really fit in the real world so you have to make up your own. Hmm just like Barbie herself lol. What sense of humor? I think I laughed a total; of about 5 times. And you didn't think that the "woe is me because I'm a woman" rant by one of the female characters was preachy? Give me a break. And yes men don't rule the world anymore; the women do now. Men just run it. I agree completely. The over-the-top feminist rant didn't exactly fit in the movie. Here you have a lighthearted pseudo comedy based on a girls doll and we have to listen to frothing-at-the-mouth political diatribe. But that's what women do though lol. Let them get it out of their systems. Note that Ryan Gosling is angry that Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig didn't get nominations but not angry enough to refuse his own nomination in protest and solidarity. Neither one of them got even a nomination. You do know that she's just an actress right? She's not actually Wonder Woman or any super heroine. The Ark of the Covenant was definitely a real thing. Archeologists are still looking for it to this day. Why are people even replying to this? I'm pretty sure that the Hiroshima bombing was not a crime against humanity as it did end the most destructive war in human history. Just the fact that they have to include a DEAF Eternal was enough. I guess you're kidding but that wasn't Oprah.