JlawsANormlHuman's Replies

butthurt cause I unmanned you? hahahahhahha. dark knight rises is now too deep? Jesus man. if you want we can crowd fund and get you some film classes. You probably think inception is super super super deep too. you've been unmanned on this board by just about everyone. you are an obsessed fanboy who can't take criticism. you need mental help omg you have no life. or knowledge of film. please keep embarrassing yourself hahahahah okay buddy. what happen to the "energy and adrenaline symbolism!" you re a mess kid. you clearly didn't take a single film class. keep trying to justify this garbage. that wasn't how he was able to beat Bain. he's supposed to be a genius and great fighter.. the obviously weak breathing apparatus would be apparent to anyone. you don't have to go into a death pit to realize that lol. again. he had no arc. his growth had nothing to do with him defeating the villain. the movie is crap compared to the first two. fans agree. critics agree. you are objectively wrong "it has everything to do with the final fight!!!" Then doesn't mention the final fight at all hahahahah. No it wasn't building up to this... you've shown you don't even have a first year understanding of film. the other two had very different themes. In this one, the title gives it away if you are too simple. "the dark knight RISES" 'bane saying "I was born in the dark". he literally and figuratively rose from a dark pit. His body was mangled and he was defeated. but he was reborn and rose from the pit. and yet all you've gleamed from these theme is "yaaa he just had to get more energy to win.. wait no actually its all about life after!! he was in a dark pit he had to escape. but its all about appreciating life" man you can't form coherent arguments because you have none.. you don't interpret the actual symbols that Nolan used. instead you make them up to suit your argument and defend a weak film. lol I didn't miss anything. and what you claim it is about that had nothing to do with the final showdown. Hence he went through no arc. Apparently you missed the point if thats what you got. that symbolically it meant "he could fight harder with more adrenaline and energy" lol. kid you would be laughed out of a first year film class with the type of analysis.. too old and sick unfortunately