DarthRoger's Replies

You see, that's not even logical. I'm sure there are agents of hostile foreign powers who've hacked into our government systems and I don't imagine the CIA or NSA ended up offering them a job. That's like the proverbial "letting a fox in your hen house" cliche. I actually found the Netflix adaptation easier to emotionally digest than the written story. The description of the murder was too graphic in the book. It was brutal to read and heart-rending for obvious reasons. Seeing it acted out did not bother me as much. Maybe it's because the book prepared me for it. As for the NF movie, the tone was brooding and churning up to the end. It was balanced well between the main character's admission and the moments of creeping horror. Good performances all around! No doubts that Thanos killed him during Infinity War, however since they've talked about time travel as a mechanism to reverse the gauntlet "snap", who knows. They could very well bring Loki back if they can change history. Tom Baker was the best. The fourth Doctor RULES!!! Tenant is second and Smith is a close third. Yeah, I agree with you about her. Only her though. In the end, it will succeed because it's another movie chapter in the MCU. The only question is how successful will it be? That's the game score everyone will watch for, talk about and compare against the other MCU movies. Will it be Ant-man successful or Thor Ragnarok successful? True that about the English but a big part of warfare, as it evolved, became the use of ground. Robert Bruce learned the hard way after his army was almost wiped out (as referenced in the movie) that the best way to take down the English was on favorable ground that limited the enemy's maneuverability. William Wallace won at Stirling Bridge using similar tactics. I could be overthinking it. It just occurs to me, especially when I talk to other comic book geeks and movie goers I know personally, there doesn't seem to be this big swell for female hero leads. And that's including all the geek girls I know. Most of my female CBM friends want to see a Black Widow movie and they love the idea of characters like Storm and Jean Grey joining the MCU. Silver Sable is another character I hear some clamoring for but not in big circles. Most of my local geek friends LOVE Iron Man and Captain America. Of course, they've grown with those characters through multiple movies and cameos. Captain Marvel may very well end up being a prime character in the MCU, however she's not going to supplant the older, better known and beloved characters overnight. Unfortunately the press and our higher educational systems have labeled "Nationalism" as the cause of every bad thing in history, be it wars or static cling! What's really bothersome, is the Marxist root of that argument. Communism calls for the end of nation states but people have a right to live where they want and have their own laws, language and customs. They shouldn't have to abandon that because a bunch of highbrow, closet Trotskyites (who don't even really work for a living), tell them they're bad people, "facists" or whatever new word the ugly Left uses to describe those who's ideas they cannot defeat. Actually the way they laid out the battle was pretty accurate to the way the battle is described, if you check sources online. The English army was mostly cavalry, so the trench and spikes pretty much stopped them cold. Also I'll add that when the English tore apart William Wallace's body and sent pieces to the towns of Scotland, it had the opposite affect than what Edward 1 hoped. It enraged the Scottish people and made them even more determined to oust the English. Strange to think how history might have turned out, had they initially been more generous to the Scots in defeat. I agree! I see your point. I'm looking forward to the movie. My only concern is that they might go overly elaborate with the plot. They need to keep it simple. More monster fights for sure! Loved seeing G smack down the Mutos in the first movie. I respectfully disagree. I think what works for Batman doesn't work for the other characters and stories of DC. Warner Bros learned all the wrong lessons from the success of Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. They mistakenly assumed that one of the contributing factors in that success was the "dark" and "gritty" tone, without considering that that tone fit Batman and the world of Gotham. That tone doesn't fit Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash or any of the other, more colorful (and hopeful) DC characters. The character of Superman IS hope. Why make him something he's not, yet that's what they did. Then Warner gave us the horrid Batman V Superman and showed the entire world that they haven't a clue about the characters they own. If they truly think that the secret to CBM success is going with a dark tone with all their movies, then they truly are idiots. What they need to do is let the actual comics people write their movie scripts. The animated DC shows are awesome! Why not draw from the pool of talent you already have in house? I agree. I liked WW and I think MOS is unfairly criticized. It's not a perfect movie but it's a still a good telling of the Supes story and enjoyable to watch. Seems that way but I'm hoping that upcoming movies like Aquaman and Shazam will reverse that trend. Edward II was totally defeated. That was also a different time and place. Chivalry was still in vogue and normally a capture king wasn't killed. It was the Battle of Loudon Hill that was reenacted in this movie. They did a good job of following the battle. 500 Scots beat an English force of about 3000. I used to be sore at Marvel Comics for not selling the rights to the name "Captain Marvel" back to DC, however it was DC that allowed the copyright on the name to expire, allowing Marvel Comics to get it. Poor business decision by DC! It is a shame that Marvel and DC can't work out some way to share the name. I think what they did - by hiring James Gunn and rebooting Suicide Squad - is actually smart. The first Suicide Squad was a train wreck of a movie that tried to be too many things and didn't make sense. SS is a black ops sort of group, sent to do missions against threats that are more domestic than existential. The story in the first Suicide Squad was written on the fly and poorly told. A better story would have been having the Joker steal a nuke and threaten to use it and then having the SS on a mission to get it back. Amanda Waller could have used the excuse that the government didn't want to panic the populace by revealing that Joker could go radioactive and it could have been deemed an annoyance to contact the Justice League, due to the government's distrust of super powered beings. That's a comic book story you could believe and they would have had the backstory and dynamic between Harley Quinn and Joker. That would have been the way I would have done it. Just saying. Wasn't that called Batman V Superman? I think you might be confused.