Sandman81's Replies

He fell on his own knife. Or perhaps they have a couple of guys open the Ark then quickly put on blindfolds, and duck. Yes. Johnny and his old CK crew were talking about it and mentioned that not only was he in prison, but he had a real nasty judge who gave him more years than he probably deserved. HE'S TORY'S FATHER!!!!! Kreese is the only one that knows, and since Dutch was the only one of the original crew that didn't turn on him, he looks out for her. And didn't they also reveal that Daniel wrecked the car, not her like he claimed to Mr. Miyagi? Vader was always going to take Leia and Chewy off Bespin, it was just a question of when. As stated they were the bait for Luke to come to Vader, , and Cloud City would be the perfect place for him to come. To Luke's knowledge, it wasn't Imperial controlled, and it had the Carbon freeze facility that Vader could use to transport him. So he would keep them there, until he got word that Luke was coming, which he got when they were prepping the carbon freeze. After Han was frozen and given to Boba Fett, he had no more need for Leia and Chewy on Bespin and ordered them to his ship. I'm guessing that they had originally planned on making at least 1 sequel to Solo, but when that was a disaster all future movies were scraped. Anyways, I had hoped there would be a scene in Jabba's palace where young Han will be regaling Jabba with a story of how he escaped capture by a Star Destroyer and completed his mission by doing that exact maneuver. And he knew from his days in the Imperial Navy that they would dump their garbage before going to hyper drive. Jabba of course loves the story since in resulted in him getting paid. As Han leaves Jabba's throne room, he walks past Boba Fett who was listening very intently to the story. Fast forward to ESB, after word gets to the bounty hunters that the Star Destroyer Avenger was pursuing and lost the Falcon, Boba would request the ships last known trajectory. Knowing that they probably couldn't go into light speed, because they would have done so much sooner, but some how just dropped off of radar. Boba flashes back to Han telling Jabba this story, and has a good beat on where the Falcon is. So he hid the Slave 1 in the garbage from the other Star Destroyers and waited for them to leave and the Falcon to make its move. I was surprised by that too. I found the 7 disc set at WalMart and got it for my brother for Christmas. I had only heard of the first 4. I avoided coming to this page until I finished the series for that very reason. Seriously you clicked on a page that was called "Finished Season 3" and were mad that you saw a spoiler???? They got two things in their favor now: 1) They got Elizabeth Shue to do two episodes, and possibly more next season. If she's not to big of a star to come back, then Thomas Ian Griffith definitely isn't. 2) They got a whole lot of Netflix money to throw at him now. I'll go ahead and pat myself on the back for this prediction. I LOVE that they used him even less in Season 3 than they did in 2. And he literally served no purpose and they didn't even bother to explain where he was the whole time. Season 3 was AWESOME!!!!! Using Movie Logic: Because the airport still did not have any radar so they would not have known where the plane was heading. And if not for McClane, they wouldn't have even known when the plane took off. I think he is just a broken down and bitter old man, who doesn't understand why he doesn't have a better legacy than he does, or why he isn't still celebrated today like some of his peers are. I.E. Stone Cold, The Undertaker and especially Shawn Michaels. Jim Cornette once said that Bret's biggest flaw was he took himself and the business too serious. While it was great that he respected the business and its history, but at some points he seemed to forget that it wasn't like other sports. You need to put other people over sometimes. Or like after Montreal he did interviews and talked about how he didn't really lose the belt. But he didn't mention that he never really won the belt either. It's pro wrestling. You had the belt because someone gave it to you. Chris would be an anti-masker and get caught on tape making a scene in a store after being scolded for not wearing a mask. Tony would be anti-mask, but still wear one, just because he understands the importance of not drawing stupid attention to himself, unlike Chris. I think Paulie would the most instant on people wearing mask around him. He's the most germaphobic of the group as we saw with the shoelaces rant, but he's also the most paranoid. Janice would be thrown out of multiple stores for causing anti-mask scenes. Sil would make everyone at he Bing wear a mask, unless they were in the VIP room. Tony gets tipped off early in 2020 by some of his contacts in Sicily about how quickly the disease spreads, and what kind of medical equipment is important. He spends the early months doing whatever he can to get as much ppe and ventilators as possible. Then when it hits the US and New York, he sells all his stuff at a substantial mark up and makes a fortune. I think despite Benny being shown as a dumb, drunk brute, he was the only one who figured out that Pink was serious when he said he was thinking about not playing football that year. The other guys either didn't take it seriously, or just thought Pink was rebelling against the pledge. None of them took the pledge serious, but signed it to keep the coaches off their backs. I forget if it was a deleted scene or in the actual movie, but at one point Benny says about the stoners along the lines of "They don't care about the school, or the team." echoing the sentiments that the coach has about Pink hanging out with Slater, Pickford, and Wooderson. I never thought of it that way, and that could be true. But I think most people took that as had Bonasere gone to the Don first, then brutal justice would have already been served, and there would be no need for police or courts to screw things up. Lot reasons: 1) Solo losing money. 2) The mixed reaction to the sequel trilogy, in particular for Rise of Skywalker. 3) Who knows when theaters are going to fully reopen, and when they do, people might still not be completely comfortable sitting in a crowded theater for two hours. 4) As we saw with the last movie, you could make billion dollars at the box office, and still have to explain to people that it wasn't a bomb. 5) The critical and commercial success of The Mandolorian. 6) The continued success and viability of Disney+. Would not be surprised if Disney never releases another new Star Wars movie.