Would Leia and Chewbacca have survived on Bespin even without Lando's help?

Lets say that Luke decided to stay on Dagobah for a little bit more training and Lando didnt make his move to help Leia and Chewbacca when they were being escorted by the stormtroopers?

Would Leia probably have been executed anyway?


Leia and Chewie would have been removed to Vader's dreadnought quickly enough, and tortured for information about the Rebels and where they are now. And since Vader already knew what torture techniques didn't work on Leia, he and his professionals would probably have done a better job of it the second time around.

Now Lando probably would have felt upset enough about getting a hot piece arrested to tell Luke all about it when he arrived a little later, but there was no way that Luke could have broken into Vader's dreadnought and freed his pals. Luke wasn't strong enough in the Force to take on Vader at that point, and well, he was an idiot.


This sounds like a bad math question, lol

seriously though. Leia would not have been executed. The whole point of them being captured was because Vader was using them as bait for Luke. I almost wonder if it was Vader who put that vision in Luke's head. Either way, Leia and Chewie would have been taken to Vader's ship to eventually be used as bait for Luke if he didn't show up on Bespin. After that; who knows. Luckily Lando got some courage to fight back.


I dunno. I think Vader would have a backup plan to really execute Leia and Chewbacca and Lando if Luke never showed up.

Im going by an Infinities scenario if that ever happened.

Vader did say he was already altering the deal/deals he made with Lando even after Han got frozen. To me it sounds like Vader was going to send Leia and Chewbacca to a secret location prison and execute them in case Luke didnt show up or whatever


Vader was always going to take Leia and Chewy off Bespin, it was just a question of when. As stated they were the bait for Luke to come to Vader, , and Cloud City would be the perfect place for him to come. To Luke's knowledge, it wasn't Imperial controlled, and it had the Carbon freeze facility that Vader could use to transport him. So he would keep them there, until he got word that Luke was coming, which he got when they were prepping the carbon freeze. After Han was frozen and given to Boba Fett, he had no more need for Leia and Chewy on Bespin and ordered them to his ship.


I do not think so.


I doubt they could have escaped without Lando's help, but here are some speculations...

1. Luke arrives from Dagobah and Lando is looking the other way. Luke is fighting Vader and R2 splits off and joins with Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO. R2 hacks the computers and technobabbles his way through something that creates a distraction - just long enough for Chewie to smash some stormtrooper heads together and let them all escape.

2. In your scenario where Luke and R2 are still on Dagobah, Leia and Chewie are less likely to escape. It's still possible that Chewie would make the decision to f--- up the guards. He'd likely be shot in the process, possibly/probably fatally, but Leia might have escaped under those circumstances. Of course, without Vader being distracted by Luke and without R2 repairing the Falcon's hyperdrive, Leia and busted-up 3PO flying the Falcon to safety is...well, only Goldenrod could tell us the odds.

3. Chewie takes Han's admonition to protect Leia seriously and keeps his cool. They would be loaded on to Vader's vessel and it's unlikely they'd escape, at least initially. Leia obviously can't just pick locks or hack her way out of cells or she would have done so on the Death Star in Episode IV. Chewie probably couldn't break his way out, either, or he'd have busted his way out of the locked room in Cloud City. Since it's a Star Wars adventure film, though, I'd guess that they'd be on their way to the ol' torture chamber one day and they'd take advantage of a slip-up to mount a daring escape and bust out of there.
