MovieChat Forums > blissquest > Replies
blissquest's Replies
Sweet and Lowdown
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
I tried watching some of his old works, but usually can't tolerate more than 30 minutes.
Agreed. More of a distraction, if anything. And btw, the topic was already discussed, in detail, a few pages back on this forum.
Clearly it was Ingo, which is why he was at the hotel towards the end. And to the dim-wit who said it was her brother, I guess her brother was also mysteriously paying cash for the reservations as well. Duh!
Dude, I agree with you that this film and Black Panther were overrated, but one must also bear in mind that overly hyped movies usually end-up disappointing those of us who go in with big expectations. In terms of your remark about the critics not wanting to offend; in this day and age, I'm not quite sure that's even a consideration. There are a boat load of mainstream Hollywood films which I thought were not that good, which were hyped through the roof, and which many individuals on message boards such as this one concurred with my opinion. But at the end of the day, you gotta respect other people's opinions, as is the case now(your opinion).
And just for the record, I am of the brown skin persuasion ( just thought I'd add that in to make a point).
I completely get your point, but I would rather be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life than take out my best friend (or at least, let's call him a very good friend). And yes, I know, Russ said it was going to get done regardless. All I know is, it would not have been me. LOYALTY means you have to sacrifice sometimes, and not always take what appears to be the easy way out, even if it means your own freedom.
Admitting our ignorance is the first step in acquiring knowledge. - Socrates
We can study the stars until we are blue in the face, we will always be ignorant (ants) in the universe.
The ONE and ONLY obligation you have as a human being is to enjoy your life to fullest of your ability. I suggest you do that.
Consider the following: if it were possible to bring a human being from the 11th century to the present day and observe the person's psychology as he/she sees the world in the present day, you would find that he/she would not be able to cope psychologically and would either go mad or have suicidal tendencies. Why? The missing mental evolution. The year 3019, is beyond the scope of our imagination, but it is at least conceivable that concepts such as alien contact, interstellar travel, 5th dimension awareness, and more importantly, time travel will all be trivial. So yes, you are right, it will not unfold the way Hollywood conveys it, but you had better believe, time travel will come to pass. Why the certainty? Because ideas that we humans cogitate on (or obsesses over) always come to pass.
In terms of your fear of "nothingness" after death....How does a drop of water feel when it returns to the ocean? Individuality is a human concept, which the universe that created you does not share.
I'm not a quantum physicist, but I think it's time travel, since it's the human interaction with matter that the would-be traveler wants to change.
I guess implied leaves it open to interpretation, and I get the implication, but...
Russ (to Frank while they were having breakfast the morning of): "Frank, I had to put you into this or you would have never let it happen"....."You and Irene are going to be ok, cos you're with me....cos you're with me"
Frank was in the clear, regardless. I think Russ just wanted someone thorough to do the job. He could, and should, have declined if he was truly loyal. My take.
Aston Martin DB5 doing donuts while spraying bullets from machine gun headlights... 2 reactions: goosebumps, hit replay!!!
At last, a civil response!!! Thank you for simple elucidation and happy thanksgiving!
I had to laugh at the "ok boomer" remark. How did you know? Or maybe I must have mentioned it somewhere in another comment.....Either way, well said!
Excellent point! Yes, the whole town has a drinking problem, which explains why no one notices her "problem". Thanks!
In the trailer, did you see Wesley's expression, when Eddie asked, "was it good as Shaft?"....Freaking priceless!
Why do we as humans always view someone's passing away as "terrible" news???
Death is a part of life!
And let's definitely NOT forget the incredible OST to this film, which imo can hang with the likes of Bladerunner, interstellar and Inception!!
I second that. I'm not too thrilled about Ashton, but the film is worth watching.
The question of whether Tom committed suicide keeps resurfacing on this forum, and I find it hard to understand why? Would you commit suicide after you found your daughter, who had been missing for years, and for whose disappearance you were considered a prime suspect (in some circles)??