MovieChat Forums > Padeen > Replies
Padeen's Replies
Basically weed covered in hash oil then covered with kief.
Android user here. I switch between Firefox or Brave and have never seen an ad.
Proton Pump Inhibator for acid reflux. They are over the counter meds and actually work, unlike tums for example.
That's a recurring dream of mine. Showing up to the mountain and realizing I forgot my poles.
Are you on PPI's? That can fuck up your esophagus in the long run.
Street performers are fine, but the ones I'm talking about are scam artists.
We've had professional panhandlers here from out of state lately. They set up near grocery stores with a sob story sign and play violin while their kids sit there. Local buisnesses offered them jobs and they declined. They are scam artists.
Nice. Did you see Ha Long Bay? I've always thought South East Asia would be a cool place to visit. Either Vietnam or Laos would be my pick.
Not a fan. I have a smart phone and dont need another device strapped to my body. Plus, I enjoy wearing my nice watches as well. If you're worried about falling though, look into a medical alert pendant. A family member of mine had one and was put to good use more than once, due to having a bad hip/knee.
I live in the Boston area. She's been the butt of jokes and it's definitely hurt her image. People are already a little pissed about the Mass and Cass issue, and her handling of the MBTA.
Do you take photos while traveling? A few shots of the views would be cool.
Is this a civil trial? Don't get me wrong, Giuliani is a ghoul, but I doubt the victims will see much of that money. The Goldmans are still waiting for their money from OJ for example.
Leave this tshirt for your victims.
At a table with full service, yeah, kind of strange. The bar is a better choice when flying solo.
Leftover top round roast and a veggie mix. It's a cheap cut, but very flavorful. My trick is to salt/season it and let sit in the fridge overnight before cooking to medium rare.
I bet he had a private doctor. Ketamine infusion therapy has shown promising results for treatment resistant depression, but it's risky for those with a history of substance abuse.
Did you see the trailer?
Unfortunately and there's more than one brand.
That sounds almost as bad as the peanut butter whiskey I saw at the store recently.
Definitely in the realm of possibilities.