missnat's Replies

Must of had some underlying health condition. I love that movie, very entertaining. The Landlady (1998) Being at my workplace everyday is like living in a soap opera, always some sort of drama going on there. The Entity(1982),so scary and i still can't watch it alone. This is what i was thinking,then it could escalate and get worse. Thanks, I'll check it out. Dvd? I still can't believe it's really her,she's completely unrecognizable. My gut feeling is telling me because he wanted more,and i wasn't attracted to him,thought we were friends but guess not,i guess no one is really your friend at work. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/latimes/name/sherrie-wills-obituary?pid=197438740 Seems it was complicated by covid. So sad, remember him from Home and Away. RIP I prefer the original,this was still good though. Dementia,very sad. Rollercoasters. I get nervous and knots in my stomach just looking at them. That would be interesting. I think I'm more afraid of HOW I'm going to die,there's so many scary, painful ways. It's just sad to think one day i won't be breathing, eating, drinking, thinking,it'll all just be gone. I don't like them at all,weird tasting. I choose Ike!