MovieChat Forums > missnat > Replies
missnat's Replies
Glad you agree, they could be twins :)
I liked it and was interested to see how the movie would end and if she'd get out of the handcuffs. Im a bit confused thou as to why didn't the serial killer get her?didn't understand that bit, and why she went to the courtroom?
I hope they stick to the original where Ben and Bev marry, they both deserve some happiness
Sarcastic but fair enough
No she kept giving herself away too easily, nervousness around cop,making mistakes (signing wrong name etc).
I think her nose is better than Maggie's
I know, its just a huge gap in when she was suppose to have died and then recent date.
If he has lied about her death before then he obviously can't be trusted in telling the truth. I'm just curious if it is the actress from Spookies as I love that movie.
Gain his trust so I wouldn't be tied up,then when he's asleep I would knock him out and escape.