Coleburg83's Replies

Boyega was still lobbying for Finn and Rey to become a couple. They don't even have chemistry as friends. Exactly the point. Her only purpose was to possibly serve as a love interest for Finn, who himself is a fairly useless character they need to create side missions for. Boyega's public revulsion made that impossible. Not giving Kathleen Kennedy any credit at all? I'm not talking about the writing, but her lack of screen time. It's clear her only possible direction was as Finn's gf in the era of ugly actresses, but he couldn't hide his revulsion. So she got a minute. They are both woketards for sure, but they had no chemistry of any kind in the series. I think most book readers will agree. They already ordered a second season (for 2021 pfft) and I have to wonder if some of the responses will change that. Yes. One can understand later that most of this happening before the attack, but early on, you got to have people asking how three decades have passed while the little girl has stayed the same. Continuity and showing the passage of time is always a big problem. GOT did a horrible job of it, although a lot people gave them a pass. I've read the books and I'm aware it's taken from that, although as you say, certainly not at the same time. I'm questioning the wisdom of this writing with only an 8-episode season and they got Garhalt spending the finale in a cart after a meaningless little fight while the women save the world. That would be the people who don't know who Darth Vader is, right? I didn't even know Yenefer was Indian/Pakistani. She looks white to me. That seems to be a fail. The token characters utterly made up like that black elf with Ciri is another story. I was more right that I feared. When there is only eight episodes, he shouldn't be doing Monster of the Week. Instead of exposition about how years have passed, they should have skipped all that crap. Well, to be fair, not everything foreign is superior. Too many Eastern European movies are based around some ugly, surly middle-aged man doing the most basic things in life while beautiful women throw themselves at him and he seems angry about it. Heh. The planet looked like some Babylon 5 shit. He doesn't give a damn about the films, never did. But doesn't a proper Mary Sue need an exotic pet. I don't care if they fuck or not, just save the galaxy. Well said. I think maybe Pet is a better description than Chauffeur. Is it Rey and that Asian chick? Who kisses who?