JoeCinema's Replies

Littlefinger was always weak when confronted face to face. It's literally dark and yellow all the time. It's like watching the lives of the rich and famous and I just don't care. They should've used narration like at the beginning. I thought they'd show his dragon that scared the horse but it was just Daemon turning into Crocodile Dundee. Not the WW per se but i'll miss the ambiance of the North. I'm afraid this is gonna be made-up history with dragons. They should ban the Oscars for being a useless award show. Around the 6th or 7th movie, I thought they might as well do 13. Friday the 13th, 13th. Putin is getting old though, so win-lose might not be a big concern. I used to think he was a sane, calculating villain but the more I learn about him, he seems to be another insecure brat. This is why you're an idiot: 1- You don't know what he said. 2- You asked what he said. Not an idiot, yet. 3- I answered 4- You don't believe me 5- I says listen to it yourself 6- You can't be bothered to listen to it. 7- You're convinced I lied without checking anything. I don't give a shyte what you think. You asked what he said and I answered, though not exactly. If you wanna know what he said, exactly, go to youtube and listen to one of the thousands of videos of it. Just listen to it yourself then. It's not hard to find. Not really. I doubt you'll read any of that, but here goes: It's about how stupid we are in the face of climate change. Putin's a villain alright, just not a super one. He praises Putin for getting new land for little money, like it's real estate. Iraq, home of Gozer. Leo was Michael Mann. He worked at finding the problem, he's paraded and seduced by the media and he's completely ineffective at communicating the problem. Wong is way more interesting. This one has more characters to begin with, most of them forgettable. Main characters are still white, (Neo, Trinity, Smith, Dr Doogie).