MovieChat Forums > Tabbycat > Replies
Tabbycat's Replies
Me too.
Poor girl drank herself to death.
Sexy kitty-cat eyes, nice chest.
She was my motivation to finally watch this in its entirety, first time tonight
He wanted to find out what Richard had done with his wife.
Richard said that was the only way he’d ever know.
Harry could tell the cops what Harry said, but he’d have no proof and Richard would simply deny it.
Spectularly good at it — more so than I remember.
Critics often dismiss him as “hammy,” but he plays a hostile subtext very convincgly.
Especially here.
Did anyone notice Danson’s weak acting?
Really falls flat in spots where he needs to show some serious urgency.
Our boy Leslie acts circles around him throughout the episode.
I believe his character’s reality much more than I do Danson’s.
Messin’ with sumpn he shouldn’t oughta of messed wid.
Plus, da boy did love his Ripple.
There’s retro, and there’s just plain dated.
Cheap, tinny.
80’s movies had the worst scores in history.
Don’t believe me? Go check a few.
Come to think of it, 80’s movies comorised cinema’s worst decade ever.
One look at the garbage we paid actual hard-earned dollar to sit in a dark house to see, and I only have three words:
Hated it.
Sounds just like what it is — cheap synths.
Didn’t like it much back in the day, either.
But today ... awful.
Yeah, it’s dumb.
But if it had stayed with the stalker premise, I still would have left soon.
Nowhere to go but cliché, and they covered them all — right down to the one-note bad guy with magical powers to walk right past trained cops and disappear. Though we’ve seen this in many thrillers for a good part of a century, this would simply never happen in real life. A guy that hell-bent on killing no matter who sees it will get caught — 100%. And most likely before anyone gets shot.
Add in round-the-clock police protection — the real kind you can’t get past,— and an ordinary crook with no magic and it only ends one way, and soon.
The twist was unexpected and interesting at first, but as with most thrillers, ultimately becomes preposterous, leaving any hint of reality on the blood-stained floor. And then, of course, the final shootout. Where the bad guys die, but not before getting in some good licks of their own. Cuz, yeah ... how else you gonna end it?
Perhaps Americans should not own dumb bitch wives who startle the sh1t out of them holding a loaded gun after killing an intruder,
And you forgot to mention the worst: he just blew the intruder’s brains all over the wall, but is not sure he’s dead. Right then she appears behind him. “RICHARD!” Yes, I’m sure that’s the thing to do — startle the SH1T out of a man holding a loaded gun and on edge after shooting someone. He of course whirls round, ready to blast her. I thought for sure the intruder would spring to life, taking advantage and killimg them both.
Are women really that stupid?
In the movies, they are.
You’re thinking of A Cure for Wellness.
Ignoring your childish bait, I would say Dustin Hoffman is arguably the greatest film actor in history.
Three decades was not long enough for you to learn not to make a fool of yourself in print.
Script could have been a LOT better.
It sucked.
Good cast, good premise, great location/setting for an action thriller.
All wasted on a C-grade execution.
Hollywood never so much interested in actual things, like reality. But this here work takes the Oscar for Most Stupid Rewrite of Physical Laws. Not just magical power plants, but exploding transformers that set nearby swimmers aflame. Without killing them.
Because if they made it realistic with mud, benzene, motor oil and bacteria, the whole movie would go away.
Jack is saying a marine only needs to take off his hat to pee because he is just a giant dick.
Standard McD's patty today?
1.6 ounces.
Of what, we're not exactly sure.
In Five Easy Pieces, our friend Jack learned it was definitely NOT just as easy to have it the way you want it.