MovieChat Forums > RVS > Replies
RVS's Replies
All evidence shows a fake bombing with actors. No one injured except possibly one or both Tsarnaevs. But why ask others for the truth. Go research for yourself and you'll see. No honest researcher has it all figured out. We may know what happened but not exactly how they pulled it off or the actual names of all the actors or just how many in the crowd were part of the act. When one day this hoax becomes a well known government conspiracy, we will be able to get at the truth of the how and the why and the who. But as I've said, any and all footage and interviews show a false, theatrical event passed off as a real bombing.
The only erroneous story here is the one you're peddling.
Ok, yes, that death ME you experienced is similar to others' experiences.
I'm not saying people pronounce their names differently with similar spellings. What I'm saying is that it used to be Oscar Meyer, and pronounced as it's written, but then became Mayer, ,and is still pronounced as before. And that is FUBAR.
Mandela Effect. It's not that the movie has been altered officially, it's that it has changed for most people and yet no version of the old way exists. But plenty of "residue" exists that proves Dolly did indeed have braces. Here's just one of several...
Here's a link from a BBC News site that says Dolly had braces. You gonna tell us that BBC got it wrong also?
I used to watch the commercials on TV as a kid (I'm 48) and it was MEYER. Show me a single other person who spells his name Mayer but pronounces it Meyer. I believe, as I've said, the name change occurred some 15 years ago, maybe more. I noticed the change a long time ago at the supermarket but thought the company had changed it. But according to OM the name has never been changed. Same thing with the VW logo, Kit-Kat, Bragg's vinegar, etc
I thought you had no interest in the truth, since you resort to name calling instead of researching things. And no shrink can help us with the Mandela Effect because it's real.
That's right, just about everyone I've asked remembers it as Flava Flav. I don't know when it changed but as with other MEs, the younger people tend to think the new way is correct. That's because they've seen the new way longer than the old way, if the old way at all. Take Oscar Meyer coldcuts for example. Sometime in the last 10-15 years it changed to Mayer. But I and many others remember it as Meyer. And the pronunciation is still Meyer. Otherwise it would be pronounced as John Mayer says his name. But because it changed a long time ago, most kids today only know it written as Mayer. I am very curious, if we ask Flava how he spells his name, what would he say...
No, that's not it. And why would I do that when I remember it as Flava? Why would I Google an incorrect spelling?
But you're ignoring the fact that I and many others remember it as Flava. The "Flava" Ebay listings only add to this. And if this change is a "Mandela Effect" then the CDs and other stuff will have changed. So I was trying to determine if this is indeed an ME, and I believe that it is. Just as Dolly's missing braces in Moonraker, some residue of the old way remain.
Yep, it does sound dumb. It was Flava in my lifetime until recently.
Right, so if Flavor is his correct name, why are so many people spelling it as Flava? Something to think about.
Check it out. This is Ebay's listings for Flava Flav. There are 75 auctions and all spell it as Flava.
I'm sure it was Flava Flav.
That's correct. The movie has changed.
Yes, this is how most people remember the movie. "If you build it, they will come" is the original line and the way I know it. The changes are what we (those who see the changes) call Mandela Effect. Field of Dreams is not the only movie to be "effected." Moonraker has changed, as has Risky Business. Jaws, Terminator, Apollo 13 and many others. As well as books, names and product logos. Look into Mandela Effect for more info.
Don't be silly, it was always Flava Flav. It changed quite recently. Yes, you're correct, the show was called Flavor of Love. Flava of Love would sound stupid. But his name was always Flava.
You can't even comment on Flava Flav and I'm nuts? You're such an idiot due. Open your eyes man, you may just learn something.
You idiot lol If i remember braces every time I saw the movie until 2016 or so, how could there not have been braces? Mandela is not JUST in my head, it's in the actual films and other things. it's a real phenomenon. You don't understand it, so you want to deny it. I get it. But it's real and it's spectacular. There are thousands of examples now. How about the Scarecrow with a gun in Wizard of Oz? Are you gonna tell the millions of people that never saw a gun that they're crazy? Because where there was nothing, now there's a gun. And a huge spray can. And a huge wrench. What about Flava Flav? Remember him? His name now is Flavor Flav. Believe me yet?