
RVS (115)


How the heck was Gerry able to function 3 days after being perforated through the gut by a huge chunk of metal? SJW Zone Any idea when this will come out? Anyone know what tanks those were? It's funny, looking back, how older actors played HS kids Isn't it Flava Flav, not Flavor Flav? How come Klingons aren't subtitled? I want to know what they're saying! The Mandela Effect is wreakng havoc on so many people Just watched this last night, wow, best Star Trek in a long time View all posts >


Agreed! There's no handjob scene in the standard release of the film. The book has it. The movie doesn't show it but in the book the Mayans try to warn the hikers not to go near the vines but due to the language barrier the 2 groups could not communicate. The Mayans even camouflaged the small path leading to the ruins so that no one went there. Amy was not an experienced survivalist. She was a simple, young woman who liked taking photos and got nervous and flustered easily. She did not know the kid was going to get murdered, and certainly had no idea that stepping on some vines was going to lead to a shit show of epic proportions. The book is awesome. Much much better than the movie. The movie changed a lot of the plot details. For example, instead of Pablo (renamed Dmitri in the film) going down into the hole to find the cell phone (getting injured in the process), the movie has Mathias do it. Also, the book describes both girls as being tiny, barely 4'11" tall. The movie has both actresses average height. Yes, it is. I was stuck in the movie theater watching this drivel. Yeah, this movie sucked. Totally agree. One of the worst films I've ever seen. Everything about it was wrong and uninspired. Honestly, why did we need this atrocity when we have a masterpiece already (the 1971 version). There are thousands of examples. For many, Darth Vader said, Luke, I am your father. Also, Tom Cruise had RayBans on in the dance scene in Risky Business and his shirt was white, not pink. Is that your final answer? Why are you talking about aliens anyway? View all replies >