MovieChat Forums > ranmast > Replies
ranmast's Replies
He will comeback and act like this had never happened...
Ouch! Too much butthurt for those who hate "kiddie" films. Ha, ha, ha...
That's dumbie wanted to be called dumb... What can we do about it?
Wow, this stupid thread is iconic, it really is! Great find, pal...
Just making pass to Black Panther.
[quote]Box office predictions?
posted 2 months ago by landofree (2652)
34 replies | jump to latest
I'm guessing it won't make its money back. [/quote]
landofree, gone but not forgotten...
What are bump?
Anyway, ha,ha, ha, ha... A great laugh for thisthread.
No doubts...
Ha, ha, ha... Wrong as always...
I think you are not understanding me, with the Moderator's second post, the one you keep quoting, it is obvious the Moderator was the one who deleted the thread. I just didn't realize it right away... I no longer believe lando deleted, because Moderator already accepted doing it in his second post
I do participate in forums where the moderators take sides and it is awful. This is not the case here. However, I still believe the moderator did what was expected from him. He hadn't taken any side if lando hadnt gone crazy. Moderator first post was just a warning. He probably wanted the amusing thread running. Lando couldn't keep it quiet so he brought this to himself. Moderator just didnt give him another chance. For, the record, I am one who do not believe in closing threads at the first sign of problem or confrontation. Lando had a chance to relinquish, didn't take it though...
I still think you should read that part of the thread, in which you were engaged too, in order to have a better context of the situation.
I do not think you participated on lando's self humilliation. I really appreciate what you did there. I am not completely aware of your duties as a Moderator, but as any person with some power, I think one of your first obligation is with the True. If by avoiding more conflicts in that thread you had to call for the true facts, then more power to you, moreover when the troll was calling people liars, conspirators and stalkers. You did yout job, and must be OK with that. Any lesson learned there will help you to do it even better next time. THX
Also, by telling the true and exposing him you avoided days, if not weeks, of needless confrontations between troll and the rest of the participants...
I think you got it wrong Bill. Moderator wasn't joining in the humilliation of lando. He was defending himself. You should check the thread. Lando went crazy and stared calling people conspirators. He started to call me stalker and accusing me of harrasing him even when I wasnt talking to him any longer. He then proceeded to call out the Moderator and acussing him too. The first thing the moderator wrote was that there were enough evidence of lando ruse, only that. Just that. But then lando went mad and started calling out the moderator. I always beleived lando had delete the thread himself out of pure shame, until days later I noted the Moderator's second message stoping his rant and calling his trolling. Had lando behaved like a man and taken what he knew was coming, then the mderator surely hadnt intervened.
Also, lando humilliated himself by trying to pull this ridiculous stunt...
Hey furious, here is what the Moderator of this board had to say about this:
[–] Moderator5 (313) 6 days ago
Why are you reporting these? Your trolling was pretty funny at first but it's now getting ridiculous.
For the record, before I delete the OP and thereby lock the thread:
landofree's original post stated that there was no way BP would make it to $1 billion. He then changed it and a number of others to make it seem that he predicted the opposite. And now that it's devolved into flaming and fake reports, it's gone.
You can find it in this deleted thread:
BP is huge but IW will go well beyond...
A good dose of comedy for the users of this forum...
Facts, facts, facts....
Spider-Man: Homecoming Sony $880.2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 BV $863.8
Thor: Ragnarok BV $854.2
Wonder Woman WB $821.8
Facts, facts, facts...
Not delusions from butthurt DC fanboys...
Since you cannot give any real data about this, your assertions means shit. Which movies sold more tickets?
Domestically? Which movie made more money? DCEU lost again... Ha, ha, ha...
Black Panther even made more than BvS and JL together in the Domestic box office, what a humiliation...