MovieChat Forums > ranmast > Replies
ranmast's Replies
Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice...
Ohhh, but you were definitely predicting something. These are your own words:
[quote]I think Its a safe bet that Incedibles 2 is gonna top BP domestically and gross over 700 M domestically...[/quote]
Look, I am not berating you for failing the prediction, because it is that, only a prediction. What I am saying is that I did not agree with you for the two reasons I expressed and that you failed to include in your original post. The fact that I waited until this weekend drop to say what was wrong with your analysis was because I know your "predictions" and they are quite accurate most of the time. So, I decide to give you the benefit of doubt, to see if your uneducated guessing could be on the right way.
Of course I can make a prediction and put the "Might" and "Likely" to cover if I am wrong, that's what most people do to cover their asses (let's not get into bubbathehut, landofree and ackbar territory here). However, I DO NOT CARE if you are wrong or not, I am just telling where I do believe you went wrong with your predictions and noting that the two things that I expressed have nothing to do with "follow box office for Pixar/Animated Films". You can be wrong with a prediction, I have been wrong with many predictions, but what went wrong with any prediction is what make room for discussion. Yes, you were wrong, no need to get too defensive about it; moreover when you decide to post this in the Black Panther board and not in the Incredible 2 board.
I knew from the day you posted this that you will be wrong. I think the first mistake you made was to ignore Jurassic World. Jurassic World is a juggernaut, and while it open bellow Incredibles 2, it took a lot of its audience. While 56% drop is not a bad drop, is not enough for it to go where you wanted it to go. 56% drop from 180 Millions is not the same that 56% drop of 257 Millions (Infinity War). Infinity War with those good drops and a much better opening wasn't able to go to 700 M domestically.
The other thing you failed to grasp is that all top 5 movies in domestic box office are not Summer Movies. Summer movies have a lot more competition. Note that I do not consider Infinity War a summer movie and event though it has two whole weekends without any real competition. The movie is doing great but it has a lot of competition to endure, the same competition Black Panther did not have.
I understand your mistake. There is actually a country/unincorporated territory to USA called Puerto Rico, so it may be some confusion there. The problem is that the second word in spanish (in this case an adjective. Adjectives in spanish can go before of after the noun) ought to have the same gender as the first. By saying Puerto (which is male gender) the next word must be also be male gender. In your case (and the country) it must be Puerto Rico (both male). When using Costa (which is female gender) the next word have to be female gender. In the case of the team playing Brazil, it must be Costa Rica (both female). Yes, rica/rico means rich in English. So, I see you have your Spanish knowledge in the right place, just a bit of confusion this time. Cheers...
P.S. Actually, Costa Rica is the country where the Jurassic World Park is located in the movie. Today is the U.S. release of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.
Oh! OK, it was just an upright mistake. Then sorry if I was somewhat harsh, but it hard to say in these boards when people are being obnoxious or just sincere.
I do not know if you are trying to be funny or offensive. There is no country named Puerto Rica. The team that played Brazil and that played in the Quarter Finals last world cup is named Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a Central America country affiliated to the CONCACAF (the same federation where Mexico and USA play).
Just 2 billions? Bahhh!
I hope you will get to see Thor 3. Just out of the top of my head there are three things you must see in Thor to know why some things happen in IW. I could spoil them, but I will avoid it for now. Of course, some of them are small things and you could fill the blanks with some educated suppositions, however, Thor is the second most exploited character (after Thanos) in IW and it would be good to understand his arc.
There are several posters in this thread who have told you that it is not necessary to watch Thor 3 before IW. For me that's not true at all. However, I have decided not to argue with them because to counter their opinion I would have to go into spoiler territory and since you are the OP, you deserve not to be spoiled.
I am not recommending Thor 3 or saying it is a good movie (though I really, really loved it), since it is a different Thor movie (not for everyone). However, I am trying to respond to your original inquire. Thor 3 is kind of necessary to better understand Thor in IW and Thor is one of the most important characters on that movie.
No, you have to watch Thor Ragnarok first. Even the after credit scenes, which are also important to IW. I strongly recommenced watching Thor 3 first.
That's actually 1.6 billions without China. That more than Avengers and Jurassic World with China.
Ohhhh! But everyone here is wrong. Darth Maul was not resuscitated on Rebels. He was resuscitated on The Clone Wars cartoons which are CANON, you like it or not. So, there is no need to know Rebels but TCW.
However, this movie is set during or maybe a few year before the events of Rebels, since Maul survived the end of the Clone Wars and the beginning of the Empire.
I didn't want to antagonize with Bill. However, i think the same as you: TDKR is weaker then Age of Ultron. Since The Avengers is on par with TDK (I can give you a small advantage to TDK because the Oscar), and Infinity War is vastly superior to Batman Begins, we have (in order of the best movie in each franchise):
The Dark Knight >= The Avengers
Infinity War >>>>> Batman Begins
Age of Ultron > The Dark Knight Rises
There is no need to take Age of Ultron out of the comparison. With this The Avengers trilogy is clearly the best.
Amazing, just amazing...
The Usual Suspect... Some others...
However, for an adventur/action film like this one, the only one I remember is Empire Stikes Back, and the villain never trully wins...
Regarding this, I think you must have your arsenal ready for when Deadpool 2 and Solo arrives. Because, there will be a moment in which, due to the stiffer competition, IW will start to fall behind BP daily numbers. Over this, we know, Queen will jump to feast and throw his imaginary parties. You know, he likes to act dumb, loves to be called dumb and perpetually will be du...
OK, I agree with almost all your analysis. However, it is very, very probable that IW will not make another 266 million after day 13 as Black Panther did. The reason? Competition. While BP was sailing over the box office without any competition for almost two moths, IW will face strong and continuous competition in two weekends from now. So I believe that IW won't get to the 700 Million, probably over 660 millions. I hope I am wrong. What I am not is delusional like our friend Queen here...
Wow! You are really dumb kid. What are you laughing at? IW is still making more daily than Black Panther, a movie that will make 700 Million, a feat that only two other movies had managed ever. Infinity War is not just making more money daily, but it has healthy 50 million dollar advantage over BP at the same period of time.
And you are laughing the box office of a movie that is going to make at least 650 million domestic and a billion overseas. You are dumb! Really, really dumb. When Infinity War makes more money domestic than Justice League Worldwide, you are going to look even dumber, if that's really possible...