MovieChat Forums > ozzy100 > Replies
ozzy100's Replies
Actually (Shoot me for saying it, I don’t care) It’s one of those rare times The live action remake was actually better than the animated one, they really improved on the characters of Cinderella and the prince( Kit actually, bothered to give him a name) Lily James and Richard Madden had a great chemistry too.
Yes lol
House of the Dragon Is frigging Awesome, you got no taste.
And no its completely different to GOT, it has its own identity.
In the new movie he has a daughter and grandkids, soooooooo...................?
make of that what you will.
If he told the truth no one would have bloody watched it, and he knew that, which is why he lied.
Maybe he's mistaken Orko with Snarf from thundercats
"I am serious, look (he points) this is my serious face"
you guys found lord Aragorn creepy??
WOW, This thread is honest
I Love it;)
Anyway Long story short
We can only hope
Well in basic instinct 2 she didn't have any kids and Nick was gone so my guess is No.
I can hear her fine, maybe you need your ears checked
witness silent (oh god Burton, we'll be here all night now)
Monarch of the glum ( why do you have to be so pessimistic Archie, god your like this ever week)
"Not to mention the non-consensual kiss. I'm surprised there isn't more outrage on this board about that."
LOL Please don't ever read the real, original version of the fairy tale your have a heart attack. put it this way he does a lot more than kiss her while shes asleep.
Good it didn't deserve to be
There are times these ego megalomaniac celebrity's need to shut thier traps, THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES, God people are terrified, struggling and wondering how in the world thier going to support themselves, but OH KNOW SOME CELEBRITYS ARE GOING WITHOUT ATTENTION oh well i better go and kiss thier asses for singing a god damn EFFING SONG for us.
the one and only good thing about all this is people are really showing thier true colours
oh and I'd really love to see these twits (imagine no possessions) mainly because they would probably rope themseves!
"the female audience isn't large enough to compensate."
you will tell the box office results of Mama Mia , Twilight and Fifty shades that won't you lol
You know what really Grinds my gears
The show family guy
dunno, people are very strange these days