Fave sketch of theirs...

for mine it has to be the one where dawn goes to the doctors
"shout tit loudly"

so hilarious

Formerly known as moviesrokmysokz, kate beckinsale hot.


the piano -- that guy Rus Conway smiling throughout his little ditty is just hysterical

my first foray into this show was a skit of when they were [I think] piano movers and they ended up smashing up the piano in order to move it. I was hooked ever since.

your coat is still alive


the sport typists

dance through the eras

that's hollywood

Oh Thank you God! Thank you so BLOODY much!Basil Fawlty


I'm only on Season 1 (one more episode to go), but so far my two absolute-favorite skits have been the following two:

The one where they're those background girls on typewriters on a newscast program.

The one where they play extras on the set of a war movies.

The whole show is a gem, but I nearly died from laughing so hard at those two.


"Look at my baby." is my all time favourite, but there's several others that are competing for 2nd place, among them are:

*Dawn imitating Bjork.
*Shout "tit".
*Ab Fab skit.
*When Lulu gets bored and starts singing Shout, but never goes beyond "Weeeeelllllll!"
*"Hello Mark Lamarr from tele-o-vision" and Dawn's subsequent hiding when he comes to apologise.
*When Eve Pollard comes to visit the set and the poorly timed porno pop-up comes up on the computer.
*When the enthusiastic fan claims she was born with all of her organs on the outside.


My favourite is tied between Darcey Bussel and the "Giants Baby" sketches.

Both brilliantly done and hilarious.


Edit: But actually I prefer 'The Exorcist' sketch. But still the giant's baby aswell.


witness silent (oh god Burton, we'll be here all night now)

Monarch of the glum ( why do you have to be so pessimistic Archie, god your like this ever week)

