Fave sketch of theirs...
for mine it has to be the one where dawn goes to the doctors
"shout tit loudly"
so hilarious
Formerly known as moviesrokmysokz, kate beckinsale hot.
for mine it has to be the one where dawn goes to the doctors
"shout tit loudly"
so hilarious
Formerly known as moviesrokmysokz, kate beckinsale hot.
probably the "whatever happened to baby dawn" skit.
share'the job'
with helen mirren, lynda la plant, janet mcteer, ann mitchell and mossie smith. ''what a bleedin dump''
Look at my baby! And the tit one.
I just love the 'Queen of Wales' Catherine Zeta-Jones ones hehehe, and the Misery Parody
sharethe making of the making of titanic. i have never laughed so hard.
Every living creature dies alone.
Oh my God there are so many.
The "Poo Stripe" sketch.
"The Exorcist" sketch.
The "Stylists to the Old Masters" one.
The "Bergman" parody.
The "Misery" sketch.
and The "Aliens" sketch.
Just to name a few.
------------- ---------------------- -----------------
I like to make fun of people who make fun of other people.
Yea, i loved the 'Queen of Wales One' haha "RESult"
And for some reason i really like Jennifer in the Star wars one...And Dawn French as Queen Amidala (no idea of the spelling) was frsking hilarious, when her make-up kept changing... hahaha
hey, yoda needs to give some better advice, or yoda needs to shut the *beep* up
Omg there are so many that crack me up
1. The skit where Dawn and Jen are talking in the kitchem, typical casual chit chat, soooooo funny. It's so matter of fact, so chumy chum chum like, best line, "Are hard earned money went into that horride house of theirs, with their gold chairs about, gold taps, gold dogs laying everywhere", LOL!!!, or, when their talking about Diana, "You know, retarded people lick her face"
2. Jody and Joannie ?, "We are just soooo ready for you", hahaha
3. The fat men are funny as well
4. Interpritive dance in-between skit on At the Movies, their just running around to a piano and banging, sooooooo funny, ridiculous is what it is.
5. Lucky Bitches, soooooo funny, and I own Lucky/Chance mini series on vhs, hehe
That's about all i can think of for now, however AbFab still blows this out of the water in my mind.
Hard to choose I'd have to say..
1. Whatever Happened to Baby Dawn?
2. Silence of the Lambs
3. Star Test: Transvision Vamp
4. "Look at my baby!"
5. House of Idiot
I also love the biscuit sketch and the 'chocolate police' one from Live 2000.
The one I liked the most the first time I saw it was the I Should Be So Lucky sketch. Since then, my favourite one has been the one with the young girl in the yacht (with the sunburn!)...haven't seen it for ages, forgot the details.
sharewas it F & S who did the "front bottom" & "back bottom" skit? I saw it only once several years ago & it's great.
I think funniest sketch was the "Poo Stripe".
Dawn: At least my mother can sow.
Jen: Don't talk about my family!
"And that's show biz...kid!"
No one's mentioned the Batman spoof? Gawd, I laughed until I cried! When they're running around trying to find the door to the batcave and whack into the wall. I had tears! LOL ~Kathy
share"You know, retarded people lick her face" ... just reading that made me laugh! you gotta love them women...
some of my favorites are:
- Jennifer's Nicole Kidman in Cold Turkey
- Chris Martin's mother, "your Auntie Plum says..."
- the Bergman sketch... "no wonder the suicide rate is so high in Sweden"
- the Sports Day sketch off the live dvd... love Dawn's shape...
--- but they were best in the 90's...
I love the Hopefully Haunted Almost Live at The Tower Of London.
I was in tears laughing. Lol.
So many faves, but here are a few...
1. Cleaning Ladies...the one where they are taking care of a cottage in the country for a weekending socialite..."I made her a tea the other day and I said don't worry my lover, there's no meat in it!"
2. The Bergman and Fellini sketches. "Oh no, here we go. I'm about to have fleshly intercourse with the evil one again."
3. Lucky Bitches!
4. The House of Idiot
I could go on and on lol
eevil_kittie (aka the thread killer)
I have so many faves too but il list the ones i find the funniest:
1. The silence of the lambs spoof (Jen's Jodie Foster impersonation LOL! and the line 'What did The Krankies say to you?' 'They said Fandabidozi' classic.)
2. The Misery spoof (OMG i love this one! 'You dirty, dirty birdie....birdie!')
3. The skit where they're in their office and find that Cher website
4. The opera divas one where they are singing 'i should be so lucky'
5. The Lord of the Rings spoof (so many funny parts in this one, 'Quiet! hes sniffing my ring!' and jens whole Galadriel impression is hillarious!)
I have so many more but i would get too tired of listing them!
"After all this time?"
Definitely the cleaning ladies at the cottage. I have to wonder how much of that is improv.
Warning:Spoiler I love them all, but the Celebrity Christmas Puddings is one of my Favorites. When they both hit get in the face with the pies at the end is hilarious, especially when Dawn starts to whine, knowing what is about to happen to her. Also, what a hoot when Dawn punches Jen at the very end. Every time they punch each other I crack up. Adore Dawn's Streisand and Jen's Minnelli.
sharethe Celebrity Christmas Puddings...Adore Dawn's Streisand and Jen's Minnelli.
TruckMama: Sorry, don't know about the DVD as I watched it on YouTube.
shareMy favorite is probably "Dickens' Daughters" (parody of Shakespear's Sister's "Stay"). I also love "Misery," "Thelma & Louise," "Alien," "Silence of the Lambs," "Titanic," "I Should Be So Lucky/Opera Divas," "C'est La Vie/ABBA," and others. Their movie and music video parodies are wonderful, but I don't seem to like very many of their original skits. I do like the one where they're in Elizabethan times or whatever, saying, "Pah-tah-to!"
Was I condescending? If you didn't know, that means that I was talking down to you... - AD