Fave sketch of theirs...

for mine it has to be the one where dawn goes to the doctors
"shout tit loudly"

so hilarious

Formerly known as moviesrokmysokz, kate beckinsale hot.


I guess at this point I have two favorites:

The one in which Jennifer claims to have no leg bones. Hee. Totally cracks me right up. This is the first sketch of theirs I ever saw.

And the contraception sketch.

Too too funny.


Pretty much everything they've done has been worthy of favouritism as this thread shows.

One that hasn't been mentioned (I think) is the one where Jen and Dawn are modern artists or something...the part where Dawn's being spoon fed baked beans and a boot is kicking her in the head, and the giant boob she hides in ..."she can't draw fingeeers!"

Also the Making of the Titanic is great as well, especially J. Lumley's role in it.


I loved the Ingmar Bergman parody.

Cult of Fontinau


These are the ones I was crying from laughing so much.

Poo Stripe
American Retirement
Cold Turkey
Dawn as Catherine Zeta Jones


I liked the boyzone one. =]

NAOMi; Supernatural is


I liked the House Keepers in Gentlemen Perfer French and Saunders. It killed me



My favourites are;

The Sound Of Music
Mama'a n Papa's California Dreaming
The Corrs


I also have to say that the gone with the wind spoof is hillarious! its on youtube if anyones interested:

Team Mahone #8 'He doesn't want either of you, he just wants his life back!'


The expatriate wives sketch is absolutely hilarious.

"Four years I've been registered."
"No, no, with the dating agency."


Some that haven't been mentioned yet:

LeeAnn and Jackie planning their wedding (2 million pounds....each!) with the punchline: First....get some boyfriends.

The two extras in the war hospital movie, Carmen, or the sports news show.

Womanly World magazine

Rock Stars and Their Toilet Seats planning meeting.

I also like how they have the real people burst onto set to break up the spoof, like with WatchDog and The House of Idiot.


My favourite by far is the Bjork rip-off. Every single word in that sketch was hilarious, Dawn pulled it off with aplomb, and I split my sides every single time I watch it. "Normality. I hate normality. I like FAIRIES!"

Many other favourites, but close second would have to be Star Wars Episode One: "Milk, milk, lemonade, round the corner chocolate's made!"


The Star Wars parody - Yoda made me laugh out loud

The Guns N Roses parody was freaking hilarious. But, if you look at it from another perspective, it was actually quite touching



My top ten F & S skits are:-

10. Ongoing gags "Madonna" and "how are ye" Especilly when Jen has a moan about Madonna for some reason I love these moments any of them lol thou my fave was actually from the 20 years annervesery series where Dawn just yells "Madonna" ha ha so good
9.Thelma and Louise / Silence of the lambs/ Misery ...ha ha I can't pick one I love all three maybe Thelma and Loise a lil bit more thou I love whateva happennd to baby dawn as well. :-)
8.Computer Trouble (jens temper fits in this remind me so much of me and my laptop ha ha)
6.Anastacia "is that a bowl movement...cos u sound like *beep* ;-)
5.Dickens Daughter
4.The Job
3.American Retirement
2.Poo Stripe
1.I haven't actually seen it in so long and I cant believe I've forgotton what its called grr the one with Helen Mirren and Julia Swalia? where there filming a spoof comedy show and Dawn keeps messing with the laughter I must of seen it a hundred times ha ha ...u know which one I mean :-)

Son of a mother duck! I am gonna remove your dwadnum! - Coach Hines rules!


Everything they do cracks me up but my faves are :

1) The Fellini Sketch (I think thats the one the they take off 8 1/2; the one with that funny dance on the beach in black and white)
2) Kill Bill (can't beleive no one has mentioned this)
3) Titanic
4) I like most of the white room sketchs, but the best one is big brother!!
5) Hopefully Haunted (again cant beleive no one mentioned this one either!!)
6) Jordon and (I think it was Katie Marsh, I havent seen it for ages!)
7) House Of Idiot
8) Star Wars

'Expect nothing. Anticipate everything' - Gideon Emery


Pretty much every music spoof would have to be on my list. Particularly the Shakespears Sister, Boyzone and Abba spoofs.

My daughter and I quote the Bergman spoof all the time. Brilliant!

And the Florida retirement episode with the giant foodstuffs and "Rachmaninoff AKA 40" left me in tears! "OOH! Show 'em the milk!"

Star Wars was a scream, as well as the Harry Potter and Mama Mia spoofs for Comic Relief.



also the computer not working and dawn smashing it
queen of wales
filming of the making of the filming of titanic
dr. quimm madwoman
any of the white room stuff - my fave is the squawburger
opera divas

i have to stop now i guess because i love all their stuff.

jen + dawn = lmao


Gah, it's impossible to pick just one ... so, in no particular order:

- The House of Idiot - "You just caught us in the middle of our Upstairs Downstairs sketch...!"

- Titanic - "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls." "What? On a bicycle with some onions".

- Getting Your Ears Pierced - "Listen to you! Up on all the jargon about it! That 'they don't use needles anymore'. Well, what do they used then?!" "It's a sort of gun..."

- Thelma & Louise - "Three hundred, thousand, million people have seen this film! Just shut up about it!"

And about a thousand others.

#We Have Some Shepherds Pie Peppered With Actual Shepherd On Top#


Martine McCutcheon Perfect Moment video
Sophie Ellis Bextor from the Easter special
Lord Of The Rings


The Exorcist
Retirement in Florida
History of Dance

I've got a Ruby Red Desire
Like a Virus
Like My Last Hope
