MovieChat Forums > godewey > Replies
godewey's Replies
I had an uncle who wore a toupee and had false teeth.
He used to take out his teeth and leave them on the table or put them in a glass at the dinner table.
He would also make them "chatter". Scared the hell out of when I was a kid.
Another uncle who sounds like your father. Nothing but stories and jokes. Always had everybody roaring.
No need for a defense. It was classic. Even the white shoes.
Good chance if I still had those I’d be wearing them right now.
Who’d be Castillo?
Dude, it's safe with me.
Carry on Teddy BROosevelt.
I'll get it eventually.
I'm not just old I'm slow too!
I'll change my answer to
Lost Highway
I thought the pictures were the best there was at the time.
They are a little heavier and do run a little warm. I'm sure by today's standards my Plasma sets are way too heavy.
Still wouldn't trade them.
I bought my TV's at Circuit City and I do remember them pushing the warranty.
I also remember being told they couldn't be tipped beyond a certain angle.
Also the burn in issue. When I first got them I religiously would use the "anti burn in" setting.
Which is basically a black screen with a thick white bar going across the screen for 10 minutes.
Never had any issues.
I remember finding out they had a life expectancy of 10,000 hours or something like that.
If that's true I figured they would last around 10-12 years. With an average viewing of 8 hrs. a day.
Most of my viewing is less than 8 hrs. so in theory they could last another 7-8 years.
I had one of those Sony TV's too. Not sure if it was the same model or not.
Mine was an obscure size. 38 or 39 inches? I got tired of moving that tank around I eventually
gave it away.
Our guesses are about as far off as we can be.
So when he says "written and directed by same person" he doesn't necessarily mean by
the director and writer of Cache? He means any movie.
Hot oatmeal with water or cold with milk.
Sounds familiar. Why not just heat the milk.....
No time during the week. Had to get you crazy kids off to school.
Two kinds of sugar?
Were you rich?
The White Ribbon
Baloo from Jungle Book
I thought this was already obvious.
I'll say pork.
Ham, bacon and chops.
Heaven in a hog.
Nothing crazy about it but I did the Miami Vice thing.
For about 10 years I wore jackets, sleeves pushed up with T's or the skinny tie.
I had dozens of different jackets and ties. With a lot of variations.
Give me a scoop of Spumoni on top and I'm totally in.
I remember eating a lot of cold oatmeal when I was a kid too.
Now I think "really mom, you couldn't serve it warm?"
I'm serious.
I know we had it quite often. I just don't remember if it was for an occasion or not.
I don't remember hating hit but I don't remember liking it either.
Ok, so you don't have to give a clue until a person guesses.
Then you tie it into the movie you picked.
Now it makes sense.
Some of us know each other way too well.
No more Duke movies for you!
It's an excellent film for sure.
On Christmas we went all out.
We always had turkey and ham. I think the ham was for me because Christmas was my birthday
and ham was/is my favorite.
I never asked why oysters and Sloppy Joes!
Somewhere in there I think we had Lutefisk too.