MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Stonekeeper's Summer Game: I recommend T...

Stonekeeper's Summer Game: I recommend THIS Mystery Movie #29: Everybody's Feelin' Fine [StoneKeeper wins!]

Well, dog my cats, looks like we've upped the ante once more. First up, let's review the rules for newcomers:

So you guys like to play games? Here is an investigation game that can be time consuming but it's lots of fun. Basically, I have a movie in mind and you have to guess which one it is. For each movie you guys are going to guess, I will give a hint that CONNECTS your guess with the movie I have in mind.

Example of connections: Actor, length, genre, aspect ratio, language, country, year, director, writer in common, rating, number of votes, nominations. It can even be something like: both movies involve a love triangle.

The winner can either start a new game or say "pass". In case of a pass, the OP gets to start another one.

Let's get it on!

Hint 1: Caché (2005) - Written and directed by the same person.
Hint 2: Touch of Evil (1958) - Runtime under two hours long.
Hint 3: Lost Highway (1997) - It's a mystery and a thriller.
Hint 4: Powder (1995) - The lead character's first and last initials are J.R.
Hint 5: Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) - Three word title.

Looks like this round's winner is Stonekeeper with The Spanish Prisoner, a cracking thriller from David Mamet. Anyone who likes Hitchcock might get a kick out of it.


FredBurroughs: 9
Allaby: 6
StoneKeeper: 5
Kawada_Kira: 4
Stratego: 3
Hownos: 2
MinaVladimir: 1


Cache (2005)


*ten minute unbroken static shot of an apartment building where you eventually notice a sign in one of the windows that reads: HINT*


The White Ribbon


Touch of Evil (1958)


Our guesses are about as far off as we can be.
So when he says "written and directed by same person" he doesn't necessarily mean by
the director and writer of Cache? He means any movie.


yes. any movie. orson welles wrote and directed touch of evil.


Correct. In this case, the writer of the mystery movie is also the director. If it were the same as Caché, I would have posted: "Written and directed by Michael Haneke".

Also, for the record, there doesn't necessarily have to be just one thing in common with the guess and the correct answer. In the case of Caché, there may be several things it has in common with the mystery film.


I'll get it eventually.
I'm not just old I'm slow too!

I'll change my answer to
Lost Highway


It's been a pleasure hinting to you.


Your hint's all used up.


question: can it have more than one writer or only one and is the director too?


It's always a possibility, but in this case I'll make it clear: one person holds the sole writing and directing credit.


Powder (1995)


It has become appallingly clear that our hints have surpassed our humanity.


Crimes and Misdemeanors


A strange man... defecated on my hint.


you really mean the character right, not the actor?


Yes, the character. Also, I mean proper first initials for the character's primary name and surname - no nicknames.


The White ribbon (2009)


Dewey already guessed that and rightfully retracted. Would you like to use a hint on this, or would you like to change your guess?


haha thanks, I'll change my guess
