ModernDayWarrior's Replies

Indeed.. currently re-watching this for a review series I'm planning and dang if Bond isn't incompetent as heck during the whole act at the horse sales. He struggles to keep the charade up even from the start.. he is lucky those sound dudes were being sold by the tapes he plays in his room. His entire talking points at that first night gathering were awful. First he was awkward as hell to everyone.. it's painful to watch. He gets caught like an idiot going out of Max's office; no reason why he should have went in there with Max at the party itself. He got lucky when he ran into the Nazi scientist guy and he managed to sweet talk him to the point he got a chance to meet Max.. and oh boy you are right. He honestly sent Max's bells off by changing the subject like that.. Max is goofy and loony enough to get what he was doing and Bond never had a chance after that. Then he harasses Stacey like a weirdo and it gets May Day's attention.. You couldn't ask for a worst first time meeting if one tried.. it put a look at me sign on him he never lost. Then came the night time trick into the steroid lab where they stupidly put that vile in the wrong hole.. hands down one of the stupidest mistakes in the entire series Bond has made. Plus he didn't help matters by being in May Day's room like that.. it made Zorin jealous and want to figure out who he was. So stupid! It's a great psychological end to that movie.. it's so more deep and real than the OG's end was. That movie's ending was slightly goofy.. it is implied Sue has serious mental issues after that, but that dream kinda ruins it all besides being a great jump scare. She just screams her lungs out with that goofy music cue and the movie just stops.. This one meanwhile is a solid and subtle look into how tragic events and heartbreak ruins people. Poor Jesse was spiritually and soulfully broken by that point; and that dream breaks him even more. That thousand yard stare he has breaks my heart everytime I watch this movie.. the whole mirror effect is goofy as is the CGI but honestly for 1999 it wasn't bad. It's miles better than that awful CGI snake they tried. Jason London acts his butt off in that scene too; he sells the heartbreak and lost look so dang good. Because she was a loony tune and a coward. By the end of the movie she flat out denies reality in terms of Jesse not being into her and she goes flat out psychotic with the plan and the attempts to stall him. Anyone not naïve or foolish could guess after a little bit she would have had something to do with his car being destroyed.. and that's without not seeing her drop the spraycan paint. It's a little too convenient she showed up when she did. That's the one regret I have with Jesse's character.. he's rather dumb in that scene. He too foolishly gives in to her there instead of wising up he just lets her do what she does. Besides that he's a fantastic character. Ehh I wouldn't say she chanced into meeting her. More than likely she probably stalked her around waiting for a chance to run into her and she made the most of it. Couldn't ask for a better time for her to waltz in, save her, build her trust up, and use it as a way to get in with her. That girl sold the lie really well too.. her and her other girlfriend really made Rachel seem in the group especially with the car ride to the party. Couldn't ask for a better job of selling anything. As for the scout that was destined to happen as he was a top star of that area.. there were probably several schools wanting him they just happened to be there that day. That was def a pure fluke though of lucky timing for them to do their car sabotage. I agree overall that I can see it being their goal to bring Jesse and Tracy back together.. the latter lacked a grip on reality though by that point she was flat out mental as Wayne Campbell would say. Jesse was 100% into Rachel and nothing was gonna change that by that point; their souls connected and they were intimate. They were as good as married by that point; nothing frigid Tracy could do to change it. I do also agree too they were probably gonna humilate him by the end.. he stood up to the main dude with that scuffle in the locker room earlier in the movie so they knew he was turning against them. It woulda been a "either dump her or you're gonna go down too," choice but I see Jesse going with Rachel no matter what. As much as I love the climax and how it went part of me wishes they had included him there like they wanted to do. It woulda made their final moment together a little more powerful especially if he had fought back vs those guys to get to Rachel again instead of wondering up on it all after it happened. I always took it as he was able to slide away after he took the fight to them and they couldn't handle it. He forced the plane and it's propeller right at all those guys and they were scared of him by the end because it was obvious he wasn't gonna stop. The real incompetent ones (even the cab driver,) drove after him but all that did was to mess up that hangar and cause tons of $ in damage they couldn't pay. I always imagined after he pissed Bell off and slid out (he might have gotten cursed out by the teacher in a taste of what Felix had,) he got into one of those henchmen cars and drove off and found Felix. It's not a hard getaway by that point. As for Solitare she realized she was trapped and tried to sell that she was a victim and taken against her will to make it easy for James to get out. You have to remember that Vicki was JUST like Eddie; she talked like him and was super silly in her own right.. she probably wasted it on stupid stuff or Club Areola ripped her off of it through a contract. She woulda been so silly that she wouldn't have looked it over before signing it. The spending money part wouldn't surprise me either as she did know the clothes stores pretty well after all since that woman was willing to help Audrey find all kind of stuff. Just watched it for the first time on HBO.. agreed 100% Their HD master of the movie looked really good too. This would be perfect for either Warner Archive or Shout Factory to put out. They knew what was going on.. you could see that by their actions about halfway in. Quite a few of them freaked out and hid when the curfew announcer came on; they looked like they had been terrorized before about it. The hotel manager seemed to be in cahoots with Cochran it showed during the misfire scene. Starker was the only one who felt like disobeying the BS and he paid for it with his head. I doubt the town itself were robots because Cochran admitted it took him forever to figure out how to get the robots to work and act all human. Ellie was his grand invention in terms of that; she was his first and only female robot. No way he could get an entire town into robots if it took him that long to figure out. He just scared the townsfolk into submission and got the workers brainwashed to be helping him. Easy as pie when you have the money and cult of personality. Anything's possible. Honestly Douriff's one of the main bright spots of the movie.. this one showed why he was cast and how good he is. His breakdown scene's probably the most realistic one I've seen in a movie; he just breaks mentally and can't handle it. It's painful to watch and so realistic. He's the only real hero of the story; Loomis was to a point in the first one (he was still a fame whore in it too,) but in this one he's worthless until the final climax. He did everything he could to save those two but fate just wouldn't allow it. Annie was too stubborn for her own good.. they offered to take her away and everything but she wouldn't go. So dumb. Laurie allowed herself to get drunk which was dumb. Granted Brackett really shoulda told Laurie her truth a lot earlier but honestly in his defense how hard would that be considering what all she went through? He was in a rock and a hard place. It's his dumb fault; he shoulda never told Loomis but I guess he woulda found out anyways somehow if he didn't. Brackett did the best he could; those 2 were just cursed. I do too a point.. she did try to get them to quit but they were so macho they couldn't. That being said she didn't do anything much besides whine and yell; if she really wanted them to stop she coulda done more. Honestly any smart person woulda tried to set a trap and call the cops because killing animals and property of someone's really morally wrong and against the laws. They coulda caught Mikey then and there.. case solved. Or probably not; but she wouldn't have died though. She did that to herself. Good call on the party aspect of the movie.. it's always been for me what I'd call a fun time movie. I can put it on whenever and have a good time with it and it never gets old. It's a fun vampire movie with gore and darkness but it has some 70's style and is quite fun. It's aged really well considering what all the issues they had making it. Lee was growing tired of being forced into making them but I think he did come around to enjoying making this one.. how could he not? It's so damn fun. Plus he had some incredibly beautiful women victims to act with.. a prime era Caroline Munroe and Stephanie Beacham and her enormous.. yeah lol. Getting Cushing back was a major coup they woulda been dumb not to do. Granted the final battle is kind of a disappointment the fact they got back together was awesome. ^Nailed it. Drago failed after the 2nd round. Everything was on him having Rocky broke by the end of the first so he could go for the KO and the statement win. Ivan realized he was screwed once they went to the corner and he mentioned Rocko was "made of Iron," he knew he wouldn't be a bum to push around. Then Rock hit him with that hook and cut him open.. he was done for after that his rep was ruined and he never would have been the same. It went from a boxing match to a fight and war of geo political importance and Drago had no way to handle it. Rocky represented a whole other style and worldview.. Ivan was broke as to fight it. He lost his mind and choked out his promoter which killed his rep too. The whole "I do it for me," rant was huge. Then it became a fight for his honor and the win; enough of an ego mistake to help Rocky get momentum enough to put him down for good. Ivan lost the same way Apollo did ironically.. if both had stayed away from Rocky they woulda won on points but their hubris brought them down. ^I agree 100% with this! Honestly to let her live through the end woulda been utter genius. It woulda violated the horror tropes but by '85 the tropes were getting old there needed to be a twist. Letting the mega babe who was wild live woulda been an excellent twist and a perfect cherry on top of how insane this movie was. It broke every other rule and trend, why not do it one more time? Honestly it's a disappointment to me they didn't; they went a little too safe with Pam as the lead. She was super bland and lame. They would have had to re-write the role and make it more memorable besides the sex scene but I'm sure they could have done so. I agree.. even when SVU was at it's best it was more of it's own thing than a wanna be of the mothership. SVU's problem was the forcing of the removal of the darkness. You can't do eps about the issues it faces without being dark. Just doesn't work. It just becomes cliched lecturing then and culture is overdosing on that now. Once Stabler left and in came those lame replacements it turned into a soap opera with a crime show and it's just so awful now. People on this thread was like "Ehh Stabler's too mean!" Ahh please; he got things done and did his job.. if that's too mean something is seriously wrong with you. As for the OG show things really improved once Anthony Anderson joined in. Him and Sisto were the best pair the show had since Orbach and Noth hands down. The Attorney's were good too and Roache being the trial guy instead of Waterson was a nice change of pace. Just wish the stories were more interesting SVU got the wilder plots. SVU's what happens when a fresh force stays around in the public eye too long.. it's not so fresh anymore it's just a part of the scenery now. The fact the OG Law and Order got cancelled unfairly when it was rebounding, CI the same, and SVU stayed on to become what it is now is a joke. The other 2 deserved better. SVU's decline started when they made Meloni leave.. he was the backbone of the show and made it fun. Mariska was the heart but Stabler gave the show more panache than Benson did. Once he left everything went downhill.. got the blonde chick and the latino dude who added soap opera storylines to the show every week and things started getting more and more political. Then came the serial killer storyline which was way too painful to watch, then the adopion saga.. then everyone either retired (Cragan, Munch,) or got killed off (Robert John Burke's characther's depature was so damn sad.) The show's a shell of what it used to be now.. it hasn't been raw or new in ages. Nothing will match the 2000-2005 years of the show. When it was super dark and not so preachy.. at it's best. I've gotten back into these shows thanks to Peacock.. been so fun. Only real era I can't sit through 100% is Goldblum's.. he never really had solid footing. First year he was half and half with a bad fit of a partner and the 2nd year he had a better but not great team to work with but the scripts and stories were never up to par. Jeff never had a full chance he deserved; he got blamed for the ratings and left when he shouldn't have but it did give us that last year. If he had Alica Whitt instead of Nicholson and Burrows and more interesting stories I see him being a success. His stories minus a few are cliched and super boring. I never cared for the villains much on his show. At least he willingly left at the right time. Goren I've grown a ton on I used to despise him but Vincent played it all so damn good i'd be a fool not to agree with his run. Noth is always badass and an ace can't hate him either. 2nd partner wise never cared for Julianne Nicholson or Burrows. Nicholson was always too bland and too prissy for her own good. She was painful to watch when she did a show with Jeff they had no chemistry at all especially her last show when she had the baby; that hurt. Burrows seemed full of herself and was just super bland; she was helpful to things but not that great. Alicia Whitt was a major missed opportnity; she was like the female Logan. Her and Jeff and her and Logan even woulda worked so damn good. CI was a better more solid fundamental show than SVU was. SVU relied on the cast and the shock value to keep it going. Those first few years were super dark and brutal at points; that's when that show excelled but once they started winning Emmy's and Hargitay became a sex symbol it sold out and lost a lot of it's darkness and it's punch to what it is now. 2000-2004 were really good years for them. It stayed solid until when Meloni left.. after that happened it became Woke central. Now I can't watch it; it's either overtly lecturing people on something or it's soap opera ville with Benson's love life or the blonde chick screwing up and having to find a way out of the hole. If SVU ever loses Ice-T they will be super screwed he's the last real anchor from the glorty days that is still there besides Mariska. CI meanwhile never got big but it didn't need to be it was for a more intelligent and well thinking audience. Honestly in it's early years it nailed the subtle things the OG show either quit doing or never did. It took the ball and ran with it sadly NBC never have it a shot. For me once he left the show dipped a bit; it wasn't fully down until when Noth left. Vance gave the show a sense of class and style whenever he showed up. Carver made for one dedicated and badass ADA; he didn't mess around he was all about business and wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Direct 180 from McCoy and the SVU ADA's. Noth by far. Jeff was okay but the show around him was in transition and got messy around him. He never really had the stability Chris or especially Vincent had. The first year he got stuck with a partner in Nicholson that he had very little chemistry with and the plots of his shows were especially boring minus the show with the DNA guy. Year 2 he got 2 co-starts who he did well with but the stories were so boring or silly especially the Clue esque show that he never had any consistency. The one good show he had that year and his classic was the couple with the kink fetish in year 9; that was one tense and fun episode. But by then it was too late as the ratings went down and they had to axe him. He wasn't a bad hire it was quite smart to pick him but I think two main things hurt him: 1. like I mentioned before everything was changing and Jeff had no stablity, and 2. I don't think the writers really knew how he ticked. They plugged him in and he went along. Nichols didn't have that many relatable moments besides the Clue show. He was just there to find the bad guy and have some Jeffy moments. But it's far from his finest hour sadly; honestly I think he took it for the money. Noth meanwhile had Logan down pat and he knew how he ticked so he could just be let loose and play for a while and he did well. It gave him a way to prop himself up after Sex and the City and gave the fans more Logan after the first show. His run was way more consistent as the shows were more better than Jeff's were mostly and overall he just fit the show better. He was always good on the down and dirty shows and CI had quite a few. He had great chemistry with both his bosses and he and Alica Whitt were really, really good together. Shame they forced her out for Nicholson; granted she did good with him but they shoulda kept Alicia. Noth also got to do the angry moments where he always excelled at on the first show. He just had more to play with and was a better fit. Not really.. granted they weren't awful creatures by any stretch he just couldn't afford the risk. Here are two creatures claiming the world would end as we know it and become a nightmare of all possibilities; who wouldn't take them out to save the world? Not only would the rising wouldn't happen but you would become humankind's savior.. a lot of people would have done it. Otto's biggest mistake was not ordering Zira to be put to sleep and they coulda just aborted the baby and stopped her from re-producing. Problem solved. There were safer ways they coudla handled it than just kill everyone.