

Me too. I watched it for so many years but at one point it got so crazy I had to stop watching it.


It it was unashamedly woke and preachy as you say then why would it be canceled?


Because some are clamoring for all cop shows to be canceled.


I never heard this. Seems you're just adding to the hyperbole


I can't help you're not aware. Google canceling cops shops

Here's one result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzCeQL5TYfY


that's not a result that's just some youtube channel for some small media channel trying to pine in on the current "discussion" and for the most part it talks about cop shows revamping their formats. Well, cop shows have already been doing that since 20 years ago with more female cops and District Attorneys and Defense Attorneys.

Before that, 90% of cop shows were White men with maybe a black side kick, if at all (Crockett and Tubbs come to mind) with an all white D.A. office for the most part.


agree , i miss the old SVU, the first 13-14 seasons, now has become over politicaly correct and ''polished''


I still watch it but I agree. It was darker in the earlier seasons. It's too perfect now.


I stopped watching this show awhile ago. It's no longer law and order instead it's just a soap opera. Very boring.


SVU's what happens when a fresh force stays around in the public eye too long.. it's not so fresh anymore it's just a part of the scenery now. The fact the OG Law and Order got cancelled unfairly when it was rebounding, CI the same, and SVU stayed on to become what it is now is a joke. The other 2 deserved better.

SVU's decline started when they made Meloni leave.. he was the backbone of the show and made it fun. Mariska was the heart but Stabler gave the show more panache than Benson did. Once he left everything went downhill.. got the blonde chick and the latino dude who added soap opera storylines to the show every week and things started getting more and more political. Then came the serial killer storyline which was way too painful to watch, then the adopion saga.. then everyone either retired (Cragan, Munch,) or got killed off (Robert John Burke's characther's depature was so damn sad.) The show's a shell of what it used to be now.. it hasn't been raw or new in ages.

Nothing will match the 2000-2005 years of the show. When it was super dark and not so preachy.. at it's best.


I liked Barba on there, but when he left, I lost interest in the show.


I started rewatching the first and second season this week. I had forgotten it was good a good cop show with nuance and shades of gray rather than talking heads preaching the same sermon weekly.


I dunno - the epstein episode suggests that it is now way too mainstream, trying to go with the uber rich/gov. narrative - which makes sense, given that most of mainstream media is now owned by a few uber rich fellas.


Hmm. It's still a great show in my book. I don't see it as preachy. Just because a show strives to be a notch above straight storytelling doesn't make it preachy. Having a message is a good thing I think.
