MovieChat Forums > Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001) Discussion > I think I like this better than SVU

I think I like this better than SVU

SVU has more of a liberal bias feel to it that takes some of the charm away from it for me. This has more of a conservative feel to it which I enjoy much more.


Hey tdaugherty2005, I, too, like this show better than SVU. I arise pretty early and watch a couple of shows on USA. I like Goren's methodical analysis of the murder(ers) and Eames is also pretty good.

I don't really have anything earth-shattering to say other than to tell you I agree completely.

"It's nice to be nice... to the nice."
Frank Burns:


I agree 100% same reason I like blue bloods


This is the best L&O along with the original series, both better than SVU


I would never, ever watch SVU. Imagine a series that deals with only sexual crimes, YUK.


When Crim Intent started, I liked Goren's quirks and Eames was a nice foil. But after a couple seasons they had fallen into an obvious formula to where I couldn't take the show seriously. I mostly like the other actor who stepped in with the other female "dicks" (not Goldblum - by then the show had run out of gas, imo, although I usually like Jeff's one particular character he normally plays), but it only seemed mildly entertaining. As an aside, I get a little tired of young, great looking, often delicate women playing plain clothes detectives. Hope I don't need to explain.

In contrast, I avoided SVU for precisely the reason someone stated previously. It seemed awful to exploit such awful scenarios for entertainment's sake. Let's get our weekly fix of sex crimes ! Maybe it'll involve a small child, so much the better.
But when I had a lot of time on my hands and the reruns were in heavy rotation, I gave it a chance. Frankly, I thought it was a lot better, dramatically speaking, than Crim I. Ended up watching all the seasons and found them compelling.


CI was a better more solid fundamental show than SVU was. SVU relied on the cast and the shock value to keep it going. Those first few years were super dark and brutal at points; that's when that show excelled but once they started winning Emmy's and Hargitay became a sex symbol it sold out and lost a lot of it's darkness and it's punch to what it is now. 2000-2004 were really good years for them. It stayed solid until when Meloni left.. after that happened it became Woke central. Now I can't watch it; it's either overtly lecturing people on something or it's soap opera ville with Benson's love life or the blonde chick screwing up and having to find a way out of the hole. If SVU ever loses Ice-T they will be super screwed he's the last real anchor from the glorty days that is still there besides Mariska.

CI meanwhile never got big but it didn't need to be it was for a more intelligent and well thinking audience. Honestly in it's early years it nailed the subtle things the OG show either quit doing or never did. It took the ball and ran with it sadly NBC never have it a shot.
