CluelessDrifter's Replies

I just wanted to add that I think that Claire also suffers from the problem of expectations. I think our expectations are that the show wants to big her hunting skills up to a level that aren't realistic given her age, experience, and lack of a partner, but I think we've been shown the opposite. I know she killed the Grigori, and she killed one of the vampires last season, but with the Grigori, it was really something she did for her Mom. With the vampire, Sam had weakened the vampire first, sort of like the Mama T-rex on Jurassic Park 2 wounding prey for it's young before letting it have the kill, and at the start of the episode, she was trying to cut the heads off random people. Her instincts that something was wrong in town were right, but over all, she wasn't shown as all that experienced, and in 12.16, it looks like she's going to get turned into a werewolf. The thing with Claire is that for every half a step forward her character takes, it's 3 steps back. I think she was semi-okay at the end of her first episode, because she came across as sympathetic, and then the next episode, she was trying to get people to kill Dean. Then in Angel Heart, she was okay towards the back half of the episode. And then in 'Don't You Forget About Me,' the one she was in last season, they'd reverted her back to the annoying character again. That seems to be the thing to do this season. I'm cool with that. I'd actually started one and then stopped myself from adding it. I didn't want anyone who used to be involved in it to come back and get annoyed with me. Feeling a little in limbo right now on things like that . . . what to start, what not to start. But it shouldn't be hard to write new material. They had a weak enough set up to the start of the season compared to previous seasons, but there was still something there they could've done to make it interesting, and they haven't followed through. The lack of originality is mind-boggling to me. There is a lot of lore out there. There are a lot of urban legends out there too, and they keep bringing back vampires and werewolves. The next episode is a werewolf episode, and am I getting it right in saying that Dean said they just came back from using Lucille on a siren? You don't kill sirens that way. It takes a bronze knife dipped in a siren victim's blood. Not only that, but they bring back nephilim, which we were shown aren't evil. Now if they're going to have the baby not be evil, so they can set up a confrontation between the Winchesters and the BMoL 'Let's kill everything that's supernatural,' then I guess that makes sense, but it feels like an overly drawn out C story-line they've had this year to build it up, and in all honesty feels like a rehash of the Darkness. I also don't have any hope for the BMoL storyline either if this is the way they're going with it. The BMoL are too elitist. People like the blue-collar feel of the show, but bringing in new high tech gadgets to kill monsters and all the rest doesn't fit in with that. ETA: Like I said, there are a lot of problems, and I agree with your concerns, Bella. According to SpoilerTv, the final adjusted is 1.49 and 0.5 demo. For me, the main problem is the neutering of Dean Winchester, but there are a lot of reasons for this *. - Lack of any real discussion between Dean and Sam about Mary or anything really. Most people need a little more depth than what the show has given us. - The lack of any real discussion with Mary about anything in the past. - Writers who don't know how to write for the leads when the leads are there less means that things, like Dean disappearing for the most important parts of the episode only to show up at the end happens, the guests of the week get inflated roles in the story and do more than Sam and Dean, and Mary gets to do more than both Sam and Dean when she's there. - Lucifer is still there. - Drudging up things from the past, like the YED, Colt, how Crowley became King of Hell, and hellhounds only to tarnish the way those things were originally presented by doing things like having hellhounds being deterred by axes, guns, and being defeated with the help of a water cooler . . . If only Sam and Dean had known that in Season 3 or Season 5, then maybe Dean wouldn't have gone to Hell and Ellen and Jo wouldn't have died. Maybe now TPTB will get the hint, but I'm thinking it might be too late. It's really not a good thing to go into a break with such low ratings, and they don't really have any time to do anything about the rest of the episodes. Did they just get done filming episode 20 or something? *ETA - drop in ratings Can I also say that I'm extraordinarily annoyed by the fact that Sam got to kill the Hellhound. If Perez only invented the Princes of Hell, so Sam could kill a YED, then surely Dean was up for killing a hellhound, since you know . . . he was kind of ripped apart by hellhounds and missed out the last time. So, I'm going to join. Any idea how many pages we get before we have to start a new thread. I could start a new one, but for posterity's sake, I figured I'd go with the old for now. It does seem to be a lively board. I wonder how much livelier it is with the IMDB crowd though. I think it was a lot quieter over there before IMDB shut down. It was incredibly nice. I don't see any advertising on here yet, so it doesn't appear to be for profit . . . yet. Maybe it'll stay that way. I've really missed the discussion threads on IMDB. Not just with Supernatural, but with all the movies too. After watching a new film, it was just standard operating procedure for me to go on IMDB and see what other people were saying about it. Sure, some of the things people said were useless trollery, but by and large, you could get different perspectives on things like symbolism and directing styles too. The set up there does seem a little odd. It's not just the bitterness thread, it's all the other threads too, so if you're in the spoiler thread, and it seems like people are having a good conversation, someone comes along and says, 'This doesn't belong here. It belongs in 'x' thread.' It kills conversation, and yes, people do say things like, 'I'm replying in 'Y' thread.' Again, it kills conversation to be moving the conversation somewhere else. Hey Bella, I saw your post over there too. I'm glad you posted. The last time I was on this board it was dead, so it's good to see people are here. Hi! I just saw this.