CluelessDrifter's Replies

Oh come on, you do seem to at least like the idea of whipping people. It's your calling card. Own it. Now is your moment for recognition. I'd hurry. Your main competition already beat you to it. Go back to the main page. The second thread down says only one troll . . . You're specifically referenced. Sorry, I meant thread. Bullwhip is better. And it looks like you've got your own page now. Just remember your creative side when you reply in there. That's no excuse. Be more creative. Getting awfully close to overusing horsewhipping. :) Doesn't matter. I still found it funny. I'll also add that until they get rid of the Colt and endless bullets (since Sam can make them), then I think general MotW as we know them are over. Some urban legends/lore things I'd like for them to explore and make scary: Aswangs Two face (Double face) Wampus Cat Basilisk Green River Hag, like Peg Powers or Jenny Greenteeth Gashadokuro I'd say a troll or ogre, but they'd probably just do what they did with dragons given their budget restrictions. I see what you did there. It made me smile, but it's important to note the 'or,' so I'll give you a B-. Might I suggest watching some old Marx Brothers movies for research material on word play. See. That made me laugh. It was just weird, not necessarily trolling. Every episode it was the same thing. That poster would start a new thread that said, 'I watched this,' and then there were no comments, just the title, and the poster never responded after that. If you want to troll and not be considered weird, keep it fresh, that's all. How about lashed, birched, caned, switched, tanned, flailed, or horsewhipped? Whipped? You already said that. Why not try scourged? I know you like that one too. Maybe come up with a new one to keep it fresh. Need to feed our cute little resident troll, so he can grow up big and strong. Just put a little more effort into it and remember to be funny, or you'll end up being like that poster on IMDb who only used to post 'I watched this,' which was just weird. "Unfortunately, I think next season, we'll be seeing the Winchesters trying to protect the kid by having Mary take off with it somewhere (and this will put the Winchesters and Lucifer vs. Crowley, possibly Cas and the angels, and the BMoL)." - "I guess we'll see. I'd really hate that story. I'd rather the nephilim die so we can move on to a non-Lucifer related story." Yeah, that was the most positive spin I could think of given the way things have gone this year. It's more likely that Sam and Mary will side one way and Dean will side another. Things have been too copacetic between the brothers for the last two seasons, so the writers probably think they need to drive a wedge between them, and maybe that wedge is Mary. It also seems like they want to give Lucifer some kind of redemption story. I'm still routing for the nephilim dies, Lucifer destroys everything, and we finally get a post-Apocalyptic storyline though. ;) There were some problems with seasons 10 and 11, but for me, there was a lot that I liked about season 10 (there were some really good episodes), and I think with S11 that the overall myth arc was weak, but I liked a lot of the MotW episodes. Just wish they hadn't brought Lucifer back and had done something creative with the Darkness instead of giving us what they did. I'm guessing that hearing his Mom of all people tell him that he could have the life he always wanted is what's appealed to Sam. She knew exactly the right thing to say to sell him on helping the BMoL. I really wish they would've delved into Sam's relationship with Mary a little differently. Of course if she hadn't made her deal, Sam and Dean both wouldn't have been born, but I think the fact that her deal is what lead to Sam being infected with demon blood should be addressed given that Sam, even as recent as season 8 still felt tainted by it. That's a lifetime he's felt like the outsider and like there was something wrong with him. If she was still hunting, and if she knew Azazel's name, then why wasn't she prepared that night in the nursery? Or did she think she was? I understand that right now, Sam is too afraid to say anything to her that might make her walk away for good, and I also think that they are trying to force a reversal of Sam/John with Dean stuck in the middle (ie Dean/Mary with Sam stuck in the middle, which I really don't like, and as it's been presented with the 'pick a side' thing and the way they had Sam lie to Dean most of the last episode, I think they've made it seem like Sam has chosen Mary over Dean), but there are things I think Sam needs to ask Mary or say to her. Maybe he will if she's around long enough for him to do it, but overall, I think they've dropped the ball with Sam and Mary. They've really made a lot of improvements on this site over the last week or so. It's getting easier to use and looks better than it did. I'm hopeful that they'll continue to make it better and more people will come here. Yeah, it crossed my mind that Mick might be a Winchester convert by the end of the season.