

So, they "guided" humans though all of our history, but never "interfered"?



And they didn't help at all when Thanos was after the stones.


More and more, I find myself thinking that these different IPs, really need to be in separate universes.

It just doesn't make sense that you would have some of these threats, and EVERYONE wouldn't show up to help.

Not to mention, quite often they have conflicting elements, if not rules.


In this film, are the Eternals being depicted as extraterrestrials rather than an offshoot of humanity?


Not the best Teaser ive seen from Marvel , but its intriguing


Heard a lot of comparisons to Prometheus, and I can kind of see it.


still not feelin most of the cast here


With many of them being race/gender/gay-swapped I don't blame you.

Few of them actually resemble who and what they're supposed to be.

The diversity hires create enough dissonance to the point where it's jarring.


I wouldn't know about the source material, so that didn't inspire my comment.


Well, the further point is that casting according to the source material would mean people who better resemble what the characters are supposed to convey, and not simply having names, genders, and sexual orientations thrown up on the screen to meet a token checklist.

For instance, you don't have to be familiar with the source material to get the gist from the Venom movies that Venom and Carnage are terrifying looking symbiotic creatures. The casting for both films also make it readily apparent what these characters are somewhat about without making you second-guess if they hired the right people to portray these morbidly violent characters.

Anyone who isn't completely overtaken with Left-wing inculcation will instantly become awash with foreboding due to the fact that something isn't clicking. It's your inner common sense telling you what's wrong before you're even informed about why it's wrong.


Like I said, what you've written didn't inspire my comment. I only entertained this kind of movie b/c I'm a fan of The Rider. The director said her process would be the same as always, but this cast (Jolie, Harington, Hayek, in particular) never seemed like good fits to pull that off. The trailer didn't change my mind, unfortunately.


One wonders what the criteria for interference would be.

Thanos wiping out half the universe didn't quite get their attention apparently.
