MovieChat Forums > Untitled Quentin Tarantino Star Trek Project Discussion > What kind of stuff did (do) you expect f...

What kind of stuff did (do) you expect from Tarantino's Trek?

In this age of pandemic means studios will be doubling down on proven franchises/stuff ppl want to see and QTs Trek falls into that so maybe it will get made (with or without QT directing)

As to what it could be about - from what he said in that podcast video he did a few years ago it sounds like hed do a big screen version of City on the Edge of Forever meets Yesterdays Enterprise (this is sort of collaborated by the recent info that his movie would be set in the 30s and feature gangsters which the article and then the internet/fandom mistook as meaning itd be a remake of Piece of the Action – which was actually 'set' in the 1920s.. its City on the Edge that was set in the 30s)

so maybe it would open with the JJ Enterprise in the middle of battling the romulans (Tim Roth as the Romulan commander) who are attacking a klingon outpost (as in Yesterdays Enterprise) lots of the crew dead ship about to be destroyed when they get thrown back in time to the 30s and we get something of a remake of City on the Edge with Edith Keller (Margot Robbie) .. Kirk falls in love etc as whats left of the crew try to repair the ship so they can get back to the future (a'la Star Trek IV)..and along the way they encounter various characters played by the likes of QT regulars: SLJ, Kurt Russell, Waltz, Madsen etc (Klingons, Romulans, gangsters, starfleet captains/admirals)

of course I doubt itd be as straight forward as that.. and I recall Karl Urbans made some comments about the script being 'nuts/bananas' (he said something similar about Orci's ST3 back in 2014) so along with that QT interview about his wanting to do big screen version of City on the Edge and Yesterdays Enterprise and his love of Shatner - to me infers its also probably going to involve the JJ/kelvinverse cast crossing into the Primeverse (as multiverse stuff is about to be so hot right now - Spiderman 3/Dr Strange 2/The Flash) and encountering the older 'prime' movie versions of TOS characters (via CGI) and/or TNG in an epic Yesterdays Enterprise/Days of Future Past/Bring Back Kirk type story - 'Star Trek: Endgame' (that 'normal' film goers would check out as well as QT would make it an event)

stuff I think we'd see:
-Shatner: returning as Kirk Prime due to alt universe/timetravel stuff would be abit of a big deal (and would entice even non fans as would’ve seen some of the previous movies with him). As QT rightly pointed out in the podcast Shatner is the real star of Star Trek bigger than Nimoy or Stewart – so even the non trekkies would’ve been intrigued to see him back (it was sheer lunacy to leave out Shatner of Beyond/50th anniversary movie after he was going to be in it when Orci was involved - maybe it would've ended with Shat Kirk having to sacrifice himself to protect the timelines? (but in a more meaningful epic way than Generations)

-revisiting certain episodes/movies in that BTTF 2/Trials&Tribulations (& Endgame) way

-nostalgia: goes without saying would expect it to be steeped in TOS (& the movies I-VI) nostalgia/deconstructive homage in a similar way that his previous films are with their respective genres. could see QT bringing back TOS aesthetic (updated of course but not updated to the extent the 2 JJ kelvin movies were - maybe hes going to do what Beyond attempted of a true big budget version of TOS but even more with that retro 60s look and feel of the TV show brought to the big screen complete with similar lighting/music/sets/costumes/FX like a period piece) but maybe closer to the early episodes in tone (eerie haunted Twilight Zone style cosmic horror than the non stop action of the kelvin movies - the first 2 which were more like a bigger budget faster versions of the trek movies with added lensflare and Bay style action and Beyond was more like TOS but still very JJ/Trek Movie).. ...or actually maybe more likely to be TMP or TWOK (as JJ and Lin pretty much covered TOS era.. and the actors ages would be more in line with TMP era) being faithful to TMP or TWOK era - his tribute to that period of film (late 70s 80s SF/Trek movies) much like his other movies are tributes to particular genres/eras. a recreation of a SF movie/Star Trek movie of the late 70s (TMP) or early 80s (TWOK).. same uniforms, sets, FX (even down to using model FX over CGI) esp now the 80s nostalgia is in full flow - maybe even a flashback to that era (or in this case alt-universe flashforward) of a CG deaged 1980s Shatner set at some point in the Trek II-VI era (or shortly after) with them in the maroon uniforms on the NCC1701A - like a mini Trek 'VII' (if theyd done it in 1994 instead of Generations) with Shatner, Koenig, Takei, Nichols reprising their roles with those CG Irishman mocap things . but other actors  portraying Spock, Bones, Scotty via CG Rogue One style or deepfake Luke. How would it fit in the movie though? Idk


Maybe Tarantino will come back now 'Untitled Star Trek sequel' is dead (as director too)


fun comments on on what Tarantino Trek might've been

flaming photon torpedo of truth
March 15, 2023 1:48 pm

Heres how it should go down. bring back Tarantino to direct (after his ‘final film’). Abrams produce. Piece of the Action meets City On The Edge meets Yesterdays Enterprise. Pine to star with Bill Shatner. Margot Robbie as Edith. QT regulars SLJ, Kurt,Roth,Waltz, Madsen etc as gangsters, klingons, space crazy starfleet captains/Badmirals . set phasers for kill!(bill)


Raymond Santoro
Reply to flaming photon torpedo of truth
March 15, 2023 8:30 pm

Definitely fun to play around with all the “what ifs.” Here’s another; Joan Collins is still with us and in decent health. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the last shot of the movie was Kirk and Edith Keeler sitting at a table together after some weird time shenanigans, brought back together by a shifting of the timelines? In this new timeline Edith never died and they’ve been together over 50 years. Fade to black, end of story. And you just need the two of them for one day of filming.


flaming photon torpedo of truth
Reply to Raymond Santoro
March 16, 2023 3:07 am

Wow now that would be a great ending. bit like Avengers Endgame actually. rest of the film im picturing it starting off like Yesterdays Enterprise..the JJprise-A in battle with Romulans protecting a Klingon outpost as in the ep, but they get thrown back in time .. head to earth. Its the 1930s, gangsters (PoTA meets Pulp Fiction), along the way Kirk meets Edith and it goes all City on the Edge, have to figure out how to get back to 23rd century. cant simply shoot around sun (ship too damaged, not enough warp power,shields etc), so they head to the Guardian of Forever (in kelvinverse some other ship found it) and there opens up all kinds of timeline/multiverse bending Endgame/BTTF2 stuff: Pine&Quinto going into the future but its Primeverse and on the ToS Enterprise in various eps/movies (all 60s/80s Trek, maybe even 70s ‘Phase II’) encountering Shatner Kirk (deaged to curly hair movie era) who helps them out so they able repair the JJprise to get back to the (kelvin)future. but along the way stuff goes off kilter and Shatner ends up having to save the day, something like the end of Yesterdays Ent battle with Shatner on the Enterprise bridge sacrificing himself to save Pine&Co (but not really). ends with the Shatner & Joan Collins scene lol


It's never going to happen, as we all knew from the beginning.


Maybe Deadpool & Wolverines insane 1billion (and climbing) playing fast and loose with the Marvel timelines will have Paramount re-greenlighting Tarantino Trek for some R rated action and crazy multiverse shenanigans (like he wouldn't want to work Shatner in there somewhere)


Nothing. Doesn't sound anything interesting would come out of it.
