Children are given too much by their rich parents, so they in effect do not feel the need to be successful. There's also a disconnect because they didn't have to work for it. Daniel knew poverty as a kid and had to work his way up to be successful. His son doesn't know that struggle, because he only knows a wealthy upbringing.
What's very interesting, is that Miguel is the real "spiritual" son of Daniel Larusso and not the actual chubby son of Daniel who is spoiled. Because, the series opens with kids bullying Miguel. That's what happened to Daniel in the Karate Kid. Miguel is also poor like Daniel - living in a cramped apartment like Daniel did in the original Karate Kid movie. Both Miguel and the young original Daniel are "underdogs" if you will.
Robbie is the actual son of Johnny, but Johnny does not connect with Robbie on a personal level, much like how Daniel doesn't connect with his actual chubby son. Daniel oddly "adopts" Robbie as his own son in season 1 and season 2. Also, Miguel's real father is gone and absent, with Johnny as his surrogate father. Both Daniel and Johnny become "surrogate" fathers to kids that are not their own biological sons. That aspect of the show is so creative and conflictive. It's so great and rare when a show does this sort of subversion.