I'm just wondering if anyone thinks we'll get a Rocky V style story developed here whereby the portly pancake enthusiast will be so dispondent by his father's passion for Robby that he'll turn to the dark-side, get himself an earring, etc?
Or do you think the writers just forgot he was a character in the show?
Maybe they planned on doing a story line with him in season 2, but they saw how much everybody HATED him in season 1 and just decided not to use him. But they couldn't just pretend like he never existed, so they gave him 1 scene in the last episode to explain where he was all season, and to remind of us how much we hate him.
I sincerely wish you would not refer to the boy as "chubby" or a "portly pancake". Kids that age have enough hassles without having to be subjected to on-line bullying.
I didn't refer to him as a "portly pancake". No fun alliteration intended. I said he was a portly pancake enthusiast due to the fact that most of the scenes he featured in on the show involved him chasing Daniel-San around demanding more pancakes to eat while playing on his Nintendo.
Besides I thought chubby / portly were nicer, more endearing descriptive terms to use rather than fat / obese. Do you really think fat kids that age will be subjected to such pleasantries from their peers as "Good day my portly friend!"? I don't think so...
Plus, it's worth remembering he is a fictional character in a TV show and therefore unlikely to be subject to any bullying, on-line or otherwise.
well it is the same kid Griffin Santopietro and yes he has lost alot of weight and looks slim now, so could he be up for training as a miyagi student now, season 3 or even 4.
Yeah, that's what I was wondering if they might do in the OP.
Same as Rocky V. Daniel-San basically rejected him, leaving him to his pancakes, for his own Tommy Gunn in Robby. Would be good to see this rejection explored.
Maybe we need to give the actor more credit here. Perhaps he piled the pounds on deliberately, Bobby De Niro style, in order to authenticate turning in to a lean, mean member of the Cobra Kai machine.
The rejected portly son of Larusso taken under the wing of Kreese and taking down Robby would be quite the future storyline...
But who says, there is only Cobra Kai and Miyagi dojo - with Terry Silver and Mike Barnes to be added to the series - maybe there could be a third dojo.
Really Johnny should set up his own school. Kreese may well have been snake like in stealing Cobra Kai from under his nose but, to be fair, it was his in the first place...
To be fair nothing can be badass like cobra kai, the logo and the saying can't really be topped.
Not much chance of johnny setting up something without any students.
no doubt a combination of miyagi dojo and the few of the straggler from cobra kai that might join with johnny and larusso - unless we get some japanaese ninja's from Sato/Chozens dojo to help out.