MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Discussion > More blackwashing by Hollywood liberals

More blackwashing by Hollywood liberals

I’m tired of white characters turning black. When will we get a white black panther? We won’t because Hollywood and liberals are racist cucks.


I hope every character in every movie becomes black in the future just to make you kekistani virgins cry


You sound very cucked.


You sound like just the type of kektard I'm talking about. I watch movies from many different countries and continents. I couldn't care less what skin color any of the actors have, and I don't care about white heritage or culture or any of that shit


You voted for Obama huh?


I didn't, actually. I didn't vote in 08, and I voted for Romney in 2012. Not that I would have liked Romney as president. But I didn't have any particular problem with Obama, I just don't much care for the Democratic party

Doesn't matter who I voted for, though. No politician gives a shit about you. Trump doesn't care about you or about the supremacy of white people. You're being used as a pawn just like every other idiot with loyalties to a political party or political organization


Voting for Romney is the same as voting for Hillary. Traitor.


Shut up Maury PoBitch


Curious: which white character turns black in this movie?


Not one. This thread is worthless.

Now red head characters ... THEY have to watch out. OP's fears may bloom to even greater rage.


What white character turned black? The premise of the "spider-verse" is that throughout the "multiverse" a number of different people (and at least one pig) have acquired "spider-powers." Miles Morales didn't "turn black," he was born black.

A more interesting question-- why aren't you complaining about the two female spider-beings, one of whom is not only female, but Asian, or the pig spider-man? Were you bothered that Peter Parker was blonde in one of the realms? Or in black and white in another? Or was it just that one of the Spider-folks had a black father?


Spider-Man turned black. Duh. Are you stupid?


You should probably read the comic or watch the movie before making such a foolish statement.


I really hate how, usually right-wingers, say stuff like Jimmy. They say black people shouldn't play established white characters and should instead be based off black characters. But when the black character is created in the comics, there's just more complaining. Either the character is too derivative of a white character, or the character is a desperate attempt to be diverse. There's no way to have a new black character that satisfies their metric.


I hesitate to assign the trait to right-wingers as it seems to me to be a very small, fringe element that isn't remotely representative of conservative politics, but there certainly is a tiny segment of American society that gets upset before they even know what they're upset about when it comes to non-whites and females in prominent roles in film, books, etc.

This isn't to say that there aren't plenty of examples of entertainment forcing politics on the viewer, often at the expense of the quality of the product. Jessica Jones comes to mind, as does Marvel's recent reboot where they replaced most of their white heroes with women and/or people of color. Moments like those polarize and divide fans, and lead to posters like Jimmy Strudel making untrue assumptions.


"This isn't to say that there aren't plenty of examples of entertainment forcing politics on the viewer, often at the expense of the quality of the product."

Entertainment doesn't force politics on the viewer. The viewers force politics on entertainment. Entertainment is merely giving people what their research has shown them the viewer wants. That is why the argument against diversity in tv and film simply will not work. Entertainment, as far as the US goes, is showcasing what America actually looks like today. The JimmyStrudels of this country are upset because they can no longer hide from brown-skinned people in their beloved "white" entertainment.

Entertainment was happy to cater primarily to white people in the past, and even believed that was the best route to making a profit. Now they've learned differently. Not all right-wingers agree with it, but the vast majority of those that disagree with diversity are on the right wing.

For eight years right-wingers were told by other right-wingers that Obama was changing their country to be more accepting of minorities. Now they are being told Trump is fixing it. There's no way thats not going to have these JimmyStrudel nutbags spewing their garbage.


Conservative beliefs equals racist?




I don't agree with your assessment of Hollywood. It isn't a simple case of Hollywood reflecting American beliefs. Hollywood is primarily made up of people with liberal politics, and they use film as a medium to get their message across to the public. Most people don't care one way or another, and they simply watch what is put in front of them. Over time, the once less-than-mainsteam viewpoints being espoused by Hollywood become normalized, and become the new mainstream. To pretend otherwise strikes me as naive, or in denial about the way the world works.

We agree that Mr. Strudel is a nutbag, but I don't think you are correct about the roots of his nutbaggery.


I don't think it's Hollywood reflecting American beliefs either. I think it's Hollywood attempting to cash in on America's diversity that a lot of right-wingers don't see due to still being stuck in a bubble that Hollywood used to be in. Hollywood's beliefs are a reflection of California's beliefs, but as far as the "liberal agenda" goes, for every Roseanne there's a Kathy Griffin. They aren't pushing socialized healthcare and they aren't pushing $15 minimum wage. They appear to be pushing the idea that Trump isn't a positive figurehead for the country, but 60% of the US already agrees with it. So I really don't see the agenda other than making money. Perhaps you could enlighten me what that agenda is. If it's just choosing democrats over republicans then it's not ideology. It's just red vs blue team sports. Think about how long Feinstein has been there, and she's as close to being a republican that a democrat could be. The real liberals like Alison Hartson got crushed by Feinstein, and Hollywood didn't give a damn. lol.


The issue here is the changing of character traits - gender or race specifically - of long established characters. It's not about "diversity". Your implication is that anyone who complains about these changes is necessarily a "right-winger," which is code for a white racist. That is absurd, simplistic, and insulting to perfectly fine, tolerant individuals who have well reasoned arguments for their objections. You're also wrong in your rough enumeration of liberals vs conservatives pushing an agenda in Hollywood. It's more like for every James Woods or Roseanne Barr there are a few dozen Kathy Griffins. The few Hollywood conservatives are generally much less vulgar and hysterical in their approach as well, probably because they're forced to be as an extreme minority.


The problem here is the complaining about blackwashing a character that was always black...


Nah. Miles Morales was just a "parallel universe" cop out.


Uh... in a movie about parallel universes lol how is that a cop out, they’re literally using actual alternate dimension spider-people from the actual comics, in a movie that’s about spider-people from alternate dimensions. The only way it could be a cop out is if the movie invented the character. All the spider people in it are from the actual comics


No, we’re not stupid, but you are ignorant. Miles is the official Spider-Man in the universe he comes from, and has always been black/Hispanic, he comes straight from marvel comics. But it does seem awfully racist how the only alternate universe Spider-Man you’re complaining about is the black one. Your “Spider-Man” turned blond, turned chubby, turned female, turned female and Japanese, and even turned into a talking pig, but nope, only the black one raises a problem -__-


I’m tired of it all being about spiders you dummy


You really do deserve to be shot


Like in the foot ?


...Miles Morales is a canon version of Spider-Man in a separate universe within marvel comics. Hollywood has nothing to do with that. All the spider people in the movie originate from the comics, Hollywood didn’t make up any of them therefore there was no blackwashing.


I already attempted to educate the ill-informed regarding that fact...(see page 1)...but they ignored me.


That’s a shame. :( some people like to ignore the truth because they don’t want to ruin their illusion of being right


(((who))) can be behind all this??



Pipe down Norman.


What about the Hulk?
He turns green?
